
Your Brain Can Remember Passwords Without You Even Realizing It - bruntonthersellse1961

No matter how advanced our technology gets, passwords remain a weak link when hard security is required. As reported by New Scientist, a group at Stanford has come up with a possible way around this problem, by underdeveloped a means to store complex passwords in the manlike brain without aforementioned human actually remembering the password.

How does this work? The method acting uses an theme called absolute learning, in which our brains unconsciously learn a pattern we can't actually recognize consciously. Have you ever suddenly irrecoverable a code you've used hundreds of times, just because you tried to think it consciously? This is a great example, but information technology gets a great deal Thomas More complex than that.

In the Stanford experiment, a group of subjects had to play a game in which a 30 key long sequence appeared successively over 100 times. Every bit metre went by, the players got more and more accurate when using the successiveness, although they didn't think back some of it consciously. When tested two weeks later, the players still made fewer errors than they did when they first started, which meant that their brains still remembered the sequence.

Piece this experiment is nevertheless far from being an actualised implementation, the basic idea of using a complex password we can't consciously remember could comprise a great boost for security in places that truly postulate it. The problem with passwords is they can be extracted from people by any number of unpleasant substance, merely not if they can't even remember them!

Crapper you think of any other newsworthy uses for a password you can use without actually remembering it?

[Hristo Bojinov(PDF), New Scientist]

Yaara is a foodie, knight-lover and life scientist who enjoys being a oddbal as a full moon-time job. You can as wel find her on MakeUseOf and tweeting her time away on @ylancet.

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