
Floral Design Tools Water Tube Quizlet

1. Draw a section of the main scale and full Vernier scale that would give a reading of 3.07 cm (1 mark)

2. Figure 1 shows a burette partly filled with a liquid. The liquid was initially at the level shown.

If the 400 drops of the liquid each volume 0.015cm³ was removed from the burette, mark the new level of liquid in the burette (1 mark)

3. A block of metal of mass 150g at 100oC is dropped into a lagged calorimeter of heat capacity 45 JK-1 containing 100g of water at 25oC.

The temperature of the resulting mixture is 34oC. Determine the specific heat capacity of the metal block. (Take the specific heat capacity of water as 4,200 J/kgK) (3 marks)

4. An object is placed on water and it floats. Write an equation connecting all the forces acting on the body. (1 mark)

5. Figure 2 shows a 150 g mass tied on a string and whirled in a vertical circle of radius 30 cm with a uniform speed.

At the lowest position of the circle the tension is 9.5 N. Calculate the speed v of the mass(3 marks)

6. Figure 3 shows two systems of spring arragements A and B. The springs are identical and have a spring constant K

a. State with a reason which system of springs is stiffer (2 marks)

b. On the axes provided, sketch the graphs of systems A and B assuming that the springs obey Hooke's law

c. Determine the value K if the extension in system B was 25 cm (2 marks)

7. A piece of paper is wrapped round the joint of a rod partly made of iron and partly wood so that some of the paper is over the iron rod and the other part over the wooden rod as shown in Figure 4

When a bunsen flame is passed over the paper several times it is observed that the paper gets charred or blacked on the region covering the wooden rod while the one covering the iron does not.

8. A meter rule of mass 50 g is balanced by masses 35 g and 15 g suspened from its ends. Find the position of its pivot from 25g mass (3 marks)

Figure 5 shows a bunsen burner which is used for heating substances in a laboratory. Use the information given to answer Questions 9 and 10 below

9. Explain the principle of worklikng of a bunsnen burner (2 marks)

10. Give a reason why the Bunsen burbner in the Figure 5 has a wide base (1 mark)

11. Water rises up in capillary tubes but mercury which is also liquid, falls in capillary tubes to a level below the outside surafce as shown in Figure 6.

Explain this observation. (2 marks)

12. State the molecular difference between a real gas and an ideal gas (1 mark)

13. a. Figure 7 shows a car braking system. The brake fluid is an oily liquid

i. State the principle by which a car braking system works (1 mark)

ii. State one property of the brake fluid used in this system (1 mark)

iii. The cross-sectioanl area of the master piston is 5.0cm2 . A force of 1540 N is applied to the master psiton.

Calculate the force exerted on each slave piston by the brake fluid given that the cross-sectional area of each slave psiton is 7.2 cm2(3 marks)

b. A diver is 15 m below the surface of water in a dam as shown in Figure 8

i. The total pressure acting on the diver given that the atmospheric pressure at this place is 1.0 × 105 N/m2 (3 marks)

ii. Dam walls are made wider at the bottom than at the top. Explain (1 mark)

c. Water in a measuring cylinder is placed in a refrigerator and allowed to cool from about 15oC to 0oC.

Assuming the water does not freeze, sketch on the axes provided the graph of Volume of water against temperature (1 mark)

d. Figure 9 shows a column of air trapped by mercury thread 5 cm long. If the atmospheric pressure is 750 mmHg, determine the length of the air column when the tube is horizontal (3 marks)

14. a. Figure 10 shows a car of mass m moving along a curved part of the road with a constant speed

Explain why the car is more likely to skid at point B of the road if the speed is not changed (2 marks)

b. A particle P tied to a string is moving in a horizontal circle about O as shown in Figure 11. Particle P moves with a constant speed v

i. State what provides the centripetal force. (1 mark)

ii. Use an arrow to indicate the direction in which the net force F acting on P will act (1 mark)

iii. Give a reason why particle P above experiences centripetal acceleration even thopugh it is moving with a constant speed v (1 mark)

c. Figure 12 shows two masses 0.2 kg and 0.4 kg connected by a string through a hole on a smooth horizontal surface

The 0.2 kg mass rotates in a horizontal circle of radius 4 cm. Calculate the angular velocity of the mass when the system is in equilibrium. Take acceleration due to gravity, g= 10 m/s2 (3 marks)

d. A jet starts from rest with a uniform acceleartion of 500 m/s2 . how long does it take to cover a distance of 40 km? (3 marks)

15. a. A horizontal force of 50 N is applied on a wooden block of mass 2.5 kg placed on a horizontal surface.

Given that the coefficient of kinetic friction between the surface and the block is 0.5, determine the acceleration of the block (3 marks)

b. Figure 13 shows a graph of velocity aginst time for a ball bearing released at the surface of a viscous liquid

i. Write an expression/equation connecting all the forces acting on the ball bearing parts

I. AB (1 mark)

II. BC (1 mark)

ii. Indicate on the graph the terminal velcoty Vt of the ball bearing (1 mark)

c. Figure 14 shows a pulley system being used to lift a load of 150 N by applying an effort of 60N

i. State the velocity ratio of the pulley system (1 mark)

ii. Calculate the efficiency of the pulley system (4 marks)

d. Show that the velocity ratio of a wheel and axle machine whose cross-section is shown in Figure 15 is given by V.R. =R /r where R is the radius of the wheel while r is the radius of the axle (2 marks)

16. a. Define the term "specific latent heat of fusion" of a material (1 mark)

b. A metal bar of mass 30 g and specific heat capacity 880 J/kgK is placed in a small furnace. Figure 16 shows how the teperature of the metal bar varies with time t in seconds

i. State what happens to the bar betwen t = 600s and 1000s (1 mark)

ii. Calculate the energy supplied to the bar between t = 0s and 600s (3 marks)

iii. Between t = 600s and 1000s the furnace supplies 30 joules of energy per secodn to the bar.

17. a. State Archimedes' principle (1 mark)

b. The system in Figure 17 below is in equilibrium

i. When the temperature of the water is raised the system is observed to tilt to the right, state the reason for this observation (2 marks)

ii. Calculate the apparent loss of weight of the metal block N given the dimensions of the block are 2cm × 2cm × 6cm (3 marks)

iii. Determine the apparent weight of the metal block N (2 marks)

iv. How far is the metal block N from the pivot? (2 marks)

1. Figure 1 shows a plane mirror, a point object (P) and the position of the observer's eye. Show whether the observer will see the image of the object point P or not. (1 mark)

2. State one difference between a lead-acid battery cell and a Leclanche cell (1 mark)

3. A form one student at Elimu Girls' High School connected a simple electric circuit as shown in Figure 2 below.

State and explain the observation made on bulbs B1 and B2 when switches S1 and S2 are both closed (2 marks)

Figure 3 shows an X - ray tube used to produce X - rays. Use it to answer questions 4 and 5

4. Give a reason why;

a. The metal target is made to rotate (1 mark)

b. Lead metal is used to shield the X-ray tube (1 mark)

5. The X-ray tube in Figure 3 produces elctrons which are accelerated by a p.d of 12 kV. Assuming all the enrgy goes to produce X- rays, determine the maximum frequency of the X-rays produced. (Planck's constant h= 6.62 × 10-34 Js) and charge on an electron, e = 1.6 × 10-19 C) (3 marks)

6. Figure 4(not drawn to scale) shows a bright electric bulb placed behind a screen which has a hole with an object cross-wire. A concave mirror of focal length 30 cm is placed in front of the screen.

The position of the mirror is adjusted until a sharp image of the cross-wire is formed on the screen Detrmine the distance between the mirror and the screen (1 mark)

7. In a house, there is a cooker rated 6 kW. The mains potential is 240 V and the fuses available are 35A, 30 A, 15 A and 13 A. Determine the fuse that would be suitable for the cooker (3 marks)

8. When X- rays are passed above the cap of a positively charged electroscope it is observed that the leaf divergence decreases. Explain this observation (2 marks)

9. Several 200 Ω carbon resistors are to be connected in a circuit so that a current of 2A flows from a 50 V source. Determine how many resistors are required. (3 marks)

10. Figure 5 shows part of a wiring circuit for a house Correct two faults made in the wiring (2 marks)

11. The current of elctrons hitting the screen of a C.R.O is 15 mA. Given that the charge of one elctron is 1.6 × 10 -19 C, determine the number of electrons that hit the screen per second (2 marks)

12. Figure 6 shows an electromagnetic spectrum in the increasing order of wavelength from X to Y

a. Identify the region of the spectrum labeled C (1 mark)

b. Give one similarity between the spectrum labeled B and the visible light (1 mark)

13. Give a reason why electrical power is transmitted over long distances at high voltage (1 mark)

14. a. State what is meant by thermionic emission (1 mark)

b. Figure 7 shows a beam of cathode rays entering the space between two charged metal plates.

Continue the dotted line to show the path of the cathode rays as they travel between the plates and into the space beyond the plates (1 mark)

c. Figure 8 shows a cathode ray tube of cathode ray oscilloscope (C.R.O)

i. Name the parts labeled A and D (2 marks)

ii. What property does the part labeled B have for its efficient functioning (1 mark)

iii. State the function of the part labeled C (1 mark)

d. The figure below shows the trace on the screen of an ac signal connected to the Y plates of a CRO with time base on Given that the time base control is 50 ms/div, determine the frequency of the a.c signal (3 marks)

15. a. A piece of light object (cork floats on the surface of water as shown in Figure 9 below. A straight edge vibrator placed at point A of the ripple tank generates water waves which travel towards point B

i. Successive waves pass the cork every 0.4 secodns and the speed of the wave is 0.5 m/s. Determine the wavelength of the waves (2 marks)

ii. Indicate on the diagram the direction in which the card moves as the waves pass on it (1 mark)

b. Figure 10 shows a ray of light travelling from water towards its interface with air. The critical angle, C of water is 49o

i. Skecth the path of the ray on the diagram above after striking the interface at I. An angle if incidence, θ = C. Label the ray as R1 (1 mark)

II. An angle of incidence θ >C. Label the ray as R2 (1 mark)

ii. Calculate the absolute refractive index, n, of water (3 marks)

c. A student struck the prongs of a tuning fork agaisnt a hard surface in the laboratory. The prongs vibrate producing a longitudinal wave passing through air as shown in the Figure 11

i. Label the compression and rarefaction regions in the longitudional wave. (1 mark)

ii. Using a lline with a double arrow, indicate on the diagram a distance d equal to one wavelength of the wave (1 mark)

iii. On the diagram, show with an arrow the direction of motion of the air particle P as the waves pass (1 mark)

d. State one advantage of optical fibre cable over conventional copper cables as used in telecommunication (1 mark)

16. a. Figure 12 shows ammeters and resistors connected to a battery of em.f. 15.0 V and negligible internal resistance

i. Find the reading of the meter P

ii. If the resistance R1 is 1.2 Ω , determine as shown in figure 1 the values of R2 b. Figure 13 shows two charged plates P and Q one is earthed and the other is connected using a copper wire to the cap of an elctroscope which was initially unchanged.

State what happens to the leaf of the eletrocope when plate P is moved sideways while keeping plate Q and distance of separation constant. (1 mark)

c. Figure 14 shows a circuit where a battery of emf 4.5 V, switches A and B, two capacitors C1 = 0.4 μF and C2 = 0.6 μF and a voltmeter are connected.

i. Switch A is closed and switch B is open (1 mark)

ii. Switch A is closed and opened, and then B is closed (3 marks)

d. Figure 15 shows a conductor C placed on a negatively charged polythene rod. Identify the charges on conducto C and sphere S when C is connected to S using a wire

17.a. Figure 16 below shows a steel bolt being magnetized Identify the pole P and Q of the resulting magnet

b. Figure 17 shows an electric device running on a battery i. Name the parts labelled X and Y (2 marks)

ii. Given the direction of rotation of the coil is as shown in the diragram, indicate the poles of the magnet on the diagram

iii. If the battery was replaced with a copper wire, sketch on the axes below a graph of induced current against time flowing through the variable resitors if the coil is made to rotate as it is in the figure above (1 mark)

iv. Suggest an improvement that can be made to increase the magbitude of induced current in (iii) above

c. The input voltage of a transformer is 220 V and its output voltage is 12 V.

When a 60 W bulb is connectd across the secondary coil, the current in the primary coil is 0.32 A.

d. One of the causes of energy loss in a tranformer is through fromation of eddy currents. State one way in which eddy currents lead to energy loss in a transformer (1 mark)

e. Figure 18 shows a connection to a three pin plug i. Identify the leads labelled B and C (2 marks)

ii. Give a reason why the pin onto which lead A is connected is normlly longer than the other two pins (1 mark)

18. a. Figure 19 shows a human eye with a defect

i. Name the defect (1 mark)

ii. State one possible cause of this defect (1 mark)

b. A lens forms an image that is four times the size of the object on a screen. If the distance between the object and the screen is 150 cm, determine;

i. State with reasons what type of lens was used (2 marks)

ii. The focal length of the lens (3 marks)

c. A barber holds a concave mirror a short distance from his client's face. Given that the described arrangement is as shown on Figure 20 and the radius of curvature is 40 cm

i. draw on the same figure, a ray diagram to show the position of the image of the client's face (2 mark)

ii. Use the ray diagram to determine the magnification of the image (1 mark)

Proceed as follows a. Place the seven shoe tacks on the eletronic beam balance and record the mass M. (1 mark)

b. Given that W = 1.429 M, where W is the weight of one tack, determine the value of W (1 mark)

c. i. Fix the half meter rule vertically agaisnt the measuring cyliner using rubber band with the zero mark of the half meter rule at the bottom of the measuring cylinder

ii. Measure 150ml of water using the beaker and pour it into the measuring cylinder.

iii. Roll the plasticine into a spherical ball and push one ened of the straw into the plasticine to block one end

iv. Insert the drinking straw with the plasticine into the mesuring cylinder such that it floast vertically

v. Remove the straw and fix the white label at 4 cm above the plasticine so that the line at the centre runs horizontally. Ensure the line is submerged under the water as shown below

Record the position of the horizontal line as indicated on the half meter rule Lo = (1 mark)

vi. vii. Also record this value in the table as L when there is no shoe tack in the straw. Insert one shoe tack into the straw and record the new level L of the horizontal line in the table. Repeat the procedure for each number of shoe tacks indicated while recording the level each time.

Complete the values of L with number of stacks on the table below (6 marks)

d. On the grid provided plot a graph of h against N (4 marks)

e. Determine the slope S of the graph

f. Given the upthrust U of one shoe tack is given as U = 4Ï€S/10000, determine the value of U (2 marks)

g. Determine the apparent weight of one shoe tack (2 marks)

Question 2

You are provided with the follwoing

jockey a. Using the micrometer screw gauge, measure and record the diameter D of the resistance wire R


D...................................(m) (1 mark)

b. Setup the following circuit

i. Record the voltmeter reading when the switch is open

E=.............................................. V (1 mark)

ii. Close the switch and record the voltmeter and ameter readings V and I V=...............................................V (1 mark)

I=................................................A (1 mark)

iii. Now connect the voltmeter across the carbon resistor X and record voltmeter reading V1 V1=...............................................V (1 mark)

iv. Compare the values of V and V1 giving a reason why they are different (2 marks)

v. Calculate X1 given that X1 =V1/I

vi. Calculate the inetrnal resistance r of the cell given that r = (E−V)/I (2 marks)

vii. Calculate X2, given that E = I(X2+r)

viii. Calculate X the average values of X2 and X1

c. Connect anothe circuit as shown below

i. Move the sliding pointer along the resistance wire until the galvanometer reading comes to zero. Recor L1 and L2

ii. Obtain the value of the unknown resistance R given that R /X =L1/L2

Interchange the positions of R and X and repeat the procedure in i above and acalculate the value of R using similar argument

L1......................................L2.............................................(1 mark)

d. i. Calculate the average values of R (2 marks)

ii. Given that, R= 35S/100Ï€D² (2 marks)

Mathematics Paper 1 - 2021 K.C.S.E Prediction Set 1

Section I (50 marks)

Answer all the questions in this section

1. Use logarithms to evaluate (4 marks)

log 0.0430/22.43 + 13.67

2. Solve for x in the equation given below (3 marks)

92x+1 = 30 − 344x 3. The lengths of a triangle are in the ratio 5:6:9. if its area is 250√2, calculate its perimeter (4 marks)

4. Simplify completely without using mathematical tables or calculator (3 marks)

5. Four metal rods of length 15x3h2y, 3x2yh5and 9x4y2h are to be cut into smaller pieces of the same length such that there is no metal left. What is the maximum length of one of the pieces (1 mark)

6. Given that the log 2 = 0.30103 and log 7 = 0.84510, find without using mathematical tables or calculator, log 9.8 (3 marks)

7. Given that 3x − y = 17, find the value of y2 + 9x2 − 6xy − 9 (2 marks)

8. The center of a circle is C (6,7). A tangent to the circle passes through the point P (8,3) lying on the circle. Find the eqaution of the tangent (4 marks)

9. Coffee grade 1 at sh 30 per 50 g is blended with coffe grade 2 at sh 20 per 25g and the mixture is sold at sh 96 per 100g at a profit of 22%.

Calculate the ratio in which the two brands of coffee were mixed. (4 marks)

10. In the figure below, O is the centre of the circle which passes through thepoints C, T and D. CT is parallel to OD and line ATB is tangent to the circle at T. If the angle BTC is 44°, find the size of angle TOD. (3 marks)

11. Two similar solids have masses of 1000g and 1728g. if it costs Ksh 1080 to paint the outside of the larger solid, how much will it cost to paint the outside of the smaller solid (3 marks)

12. The figure below shows part of a circle. AB = 12 cm and CD= 6 cm. AC = CB. Calculate the shaded area. (4 marks)

13. Three interior angles of a polygon are 155° , 153° and 160° . Each of the other interior angles is 148°. How many sides does the polygon have (3 marks)

14. Write down the inequalities that describe the set of points in the unshaded region P. (3 marks)

15. The position vectors respectively. Given that the length of AB is 7√2, find the value of b. (3 marks)

16. A line segment AB is shown below. Construct a triangle CBA = 30° .

Hence use the constructed line AC to find a point T such that B divides At in the ratio 5: −2 (3 marks)

Section II (50 Marks)

Answer Five questions only from this section

17. A cylindrical tank is to be constructed. A model of the tank is made such that it is similar to the actual tank.

The curved surface area of the model is 2160 cm² and that of the proposed tank is 135m2

a. Given that the length of the model is 6cm, calculate the height of the tank in metres. (3 marks)

b. Caculate the volume of the model given that the diameter of the actual tank is 14 m. (3 marks)

c. Determine the volume of the actual tank in m3 (2 marks)

d. The actual tank is used to store some liquids whose density is 0.82 g/cm3 . If the tank is half full, determine the mass of the liquid in kg. (2 marks)

18. a. A bus travelling at 99km/hr passes a check point at 10.00 a.m and a matatu travelling at 132 km/h in the same direction passes through the check point at 10:15 a.m. If the bus and the matatu continue at their uniform speeds, find the time the matatu will overtake the bus. (6 marks)

b. Two passenger trains A and B which are 240 m apart and travelling in opposite directiosn at 164 km/h and 88km/h respectively approach one another on a straight railway line.

Train A is 150 metres long and train B is 100 metres long. Determine time in seconds that elapses before the two trains completely pass each other. (4 marks)

19. a. On the grid provided, draw the garph of the function y = x²+x+9 for -3

x -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
y 9 9 21
b. Calculate the mid-ordinate for 5 strips between x = −2 and x = 3 and hence use the mid- ordinate rule to aapproximate the area under the curve between x = −2, x = 3 and the x - axis

c. Assuming that the area determined by inetgration to be the actual area, caluate the percentage error in using the mid-ordinate rule. (2 marks)

20. On the graph paper provided plots the points P (2,2) Q (2,5) and R(4,4). a. Join them to form a triangle PQR (1 mark)

b. Reflect the triangle PQR in the line X = 0 and label the image P'Q'R'. (2 marks) c. Triangle PQR is given a translation by vector T(2 2) to P"Q"R". Plot the triangle P"Q"R". (3 marks)

d. Rotate triangle P"Q"R" about the origin through −90o . State the coordinates of P'''Q'''R'''. (3 marks)

e. Identify two pair of triangles that are direct congruence (1 mark)

21. Three warshisps P,Q,R are at sea such that ship Q is 400 km on a bearing of 030o from ship P. Ship R is 750 km from ship Q and on a bearing of S60oE from ship Q. Ship Q is 100km and to the north of an emeny warship S.

a. Taking a scale of 1 cm to represent 100 km, locate the position of ships P,Q,R and S. (4 marks)

b. Find the compass bearing of:

i. Ship P from ship S (1 mark)

ii. Ship S from ship R (1 mark)

c. Use the scale drawing to determine

i. The distance of S from P (1 mark)

ii. The distance of R from S (1 mark)

d. Find the bearing of

i. Q from R (1 mark)

ii. P from R (1 mark)

22. A certain number of people agreed to contribute equally to buy books worths shs. 1200 for a school library. Five people pulled out and so the others agreed to contribute an extra sh. 40 each.

Their contribution enabled them to raise the sh. 1200 expected

a. If the original number of people was x, write an expression of how much each was originally going to contribute (1 mark)

b. Write down the expression of how much each contributed after the five people pulled out. c. Calculate how many people made the contributions (5 marks)

d. If the prices of books before buying went up in the ratio 5:4, how much extra did each contributor give. (3 marks)

23. PQRS is a trapezium where PQ is parallel to SR. PR and SQ intersect at X, so that SX = KSQ and PX

= hPR wher k and h are constants. Vectors PQ = 3q and PS = s,SR = q

a. Show this information on a diagram (1 mark)

b. Express vector SQ in terms of s and q (1 mark)

c. Express SX in terms of k, q and s (1 mark)

d. Express SX in terms of h, q and s (1 mark)

e. Obtain h and k (4 marks)

f. In what ratio does X divide SQ? (2 marks)

24. A solid cylinder has a radius of 21cm and a height of 18 cm. A conical hole of radius r is drilled in the cylinder on one of the end faces. The conical hole is 12 cm deep. If the material removed from the hole is 22 /3% of the volume of the cylinder, find: (Use π = 22/7)

a. The surface area of the hole(5 marks)

b. The radius of a spherical ball made out of the material (3 marks)

c. The surface area of the spherical ball (2 marks)

Mathematics Paper 2 - 2021 K.C.S.E Prediction Set 1

SECTION I (50 Marks) Answer all questions in this section

1. When asked to find 7/18 of a certain number, Juma found by mistake 7/8 of it. Hence the answer was too large by 105. Find the number. (3 marks)

2. Simplify leaving the answer in the form of a√2 + b√5 where a and b are constants. (3 marks)

3.a. Expand completely (x-0.2)5 (1 mark)

b. Hence use your expansion to find the exact value of (9.8)5 (2 marks)

4. The figure below represents a solid cuboid ABCDEFGH with a rectangular base. AB = 12 cm, BC = 10 cm and CH = 5 cm. M is the midpoint of GH

Calculate the anle between BM and CE (3 marks)

5. A ball allowed to drop from a height of 16 cm on to a flor rebounds to 3 /4 of its previous height. Find the total distance the ball wil have travelled when it hits the ground for the tenth time correct to four significant figures. (2 marks)

6. Calculate the standard deviation for the distribution below (4 marks)

No. of
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of
4 2 4 7 8 3 2
7. Make x the subject of the formula (3 marks)


8. A triangle whose area is 7.2 cm² is mapped onto a triangle whose area is 3.6cm² by the matrix given below. Find the two possible values of x. (3 marks)

9. Simplify completely the expression (3 marks)

10. Find the amount after 3.25 years if Kshs 234,000 is invested at 10% p.a compunded semi annually. (3 marks)

11. In the figure below XY and YZ are chords of the circle centre O. XY = 6 cm and XZ = 9 cm.


a. The value of angle XYZ

b. The length of OZ

12. In the figure below PQRS is a rectangle. PQ = 30cm and PS = 10 cm

The unshaded portions are cut off leaving a parallelogram ABCD

Given that line BQ = DS = x cm and line CQ = SA = 3x cm. Find the value of x when the area of the parallelogram ABCD is maximum (4 marks)

13. The figure below is a sketch of the graph of the quadratic function D = k(x-2) (x+1). Find the value of k. (3 marks)

14. Evaluate without using mathematical tables or calculator (2 marks)

15. The figure below shows a circle passing through the origin cutting through P (K,0) and Q (0,K). If its radius is 3√2, find the equation of the circle in the form of x2 + y2 +ax + by + c = 0 (4 marks)

16. A quantity Q varies jointly as the square root of X and inversely as Y. Given that when Y is reduced by 20% and X increased by A%, Q increased by 37.55 %, find the value of A. (3 marks)

SECTION II (50 Marks)

Answer any Five Questions from this Section

17. The table below shows income tax rate for the year 2014

Income in Kshs per month Rate %

Income in Kshs per month Rate %
1 - 9680 10%
9681 - 18800 15%
18801 - 27920 20%
27921 - 37920 25%
Over 37920 30%
a. In the tax year of 2014 the tax of Kamau's monthly income was Ksh 10,880. If he is entitled to a tax relief of Ksh 1156.


i. Gross tax of Kamau (1 mark)

ii. Taxable income per month in shillings (5 marks)

b. Apart from basic salary, Mr. Kamau also earns a house allowance of Ksh 12, 000, a medicall allowance of Ksh 3,060 and a hardship allowance of Ksh 4,635. Find the his basic salary per month (2 marks)

c. Other deductions for Kamau include; SACCO loan kshs. 3000, SACCO contributions Ksh. 6,000 and hire purchase repayment Kshs. 2,000. Calculate Kamau's net pay per month (2 marks)

18. Water flows through a cylindrical pipe of diameter 8.4 cm at a speed of 50m/minute. a. Calculate the volume of water delivered by the pipe per minute in litres. (Ï€=22/7) (3 marks)

b. A cylindrical storage tank of radius 105 cm is filled by water from this pipe at the same rate of flow. Water begins flowing into the empty storage tank at 9.30 a.m and is full at 2.00 pm. Calculate the height of the tank in metres. (4 marks)

c. A family consumes the capacity of this tank in one month. The cost of water is sh 50 per thousand litres and fixed basic charge of Ksh 1650 per month. Calculate the cost of this family's water bill for a year. (3 mks)

19. The position of two towns A and b on earth's surface are (60oN, 36oE) and (60oN, 144oW) respectively. Taking the radius of the earth as 6370 km and π =22/7

a. Calculate the shortest distance between A and B in km to 1 dp. (2 marks)

b. Calculate the distance between A and B along the parallel of latitudes in km (2 marks)

c. Another town C is 840 km east of twon B and on the same latitude as town A and B. Find the position of town C. (3 marks)

d. If an aircraft leaves town A at 8.30 am at a speed of 720 km/h to K (60oN,50oW). At what local time is it expected at K to the nearest minute? (3 marks)

20. a. In a chemistry form 4 class in Jaribu high school 1 /3 of the class are girls and the rest are boys. 4 /5 of the boys and 9 /10 of the girls are right handed while the rest are left handed. The probability that a right handed student breaks a conical flask in any practical session is 3/10 and the corresponding probability for a left handed student is 4 /10.

i. Represnt the above infomation on a tree diagram (2 marks)

ii. Determine the probability that a student chosen at random from the class is left handed and does not break a conical flask in its simplest form (2 marks)

iii. Determine the probability that the flask is broken in any practical session in simplest form (2 marks)

b. The probability of Peter scoring grade A in his exam is 0.6 while the probability of Ali scoring the same grade is 0.7. Determine the probability that, i. Both will score grade A (1 mark)

ii. None of them will score grade A (1 mark)

iii. Only one of them will score grade A (1 mark)

iv. At least one of them will score grade A (1 mark)

21. In the figfure below, O is the centre of the cricle. PQR is a tangent to the circle at Q. Angle PQS =28°, angle UTQ = 54°and UT = TQ

Giving reasons, detrmine the size of a. Angle STQ (2 marks)

b. Angle TQU (2 marks)

c. Angle TQS (2 marks)

d. Reflex angle UOQ (2 marks)

e. Angle TQR (2 marks)

22. a. Using a ruler and pair of compasses only, construct a triangle ABC such that AB = 8 cm and angle ABC = 75° and angle BCA = 45° . Let AB be on the line drawn below(3 marks)

b. On the upper side of line AB, Locate the locus of p such that AP = PB and P is equidistant from AC and AB. (2 marks)

c. Construct the locus of a point T such that angle ATB = 120° (2 marks)

d. Construct a rectanbgle ABXY on the lower side of AB such that its area is 32 cm2 (2 marks) e. Shade the region R inside the rectangle suchthat XRY≥90° and angle ATB≥120° (1 mark)

23. A farmer wishes to keep some chicks and ducks. Chicks cost Kshs. 60 each while ducks costs Kshs. 80 each.

She cannot afford to spend more than Ksh 24,000. She finds it uneconomical to keep less than 250 birds. She also wishes to keep more chicks than ducks but chicks must be less than 200.

a. Taking x and y to be the number of chicks and ducks resectively, write down all the inequalities that satisfy the above conditions (3 marks)

b. Represent the inequalities graphically using a sclae of 1 cm represents 50 birds on both axis (4 marks)

c. If the farmer sells a mature chick at Kshs. 200 and a duck at Kshs 250, find the number of chicks and ducks she must keep in order to maximize her revenue. State the maximum revenue (3 marks)

24. The diagram below shows a line PQ and the curve y = 2x − x2

intesrecting at point P and Q

a. Find the coordinates of P and Q

b. Calculate the area of the shaded region

English Paper 1 - 2021 K.C.S.E Prediction Set 1

101/1 English

Paper One

Time: 2hrs

Instructions to Candidates

1. Write your details in the spaces provided above.

2. Answer all the questions in this paper.

3. Answer the questions in English

1. Functional Writing

Students in your school have raised concerns about poor hygiene in the school.

In a bid to address these concerns, the principal appoints a four member committee to investigate the health situation and give recommendations.

You are the secretary of the committee, write down the report you will present to your principal. (20mks)

2. Cloze Test (10mks)

Fill in the blank spaces with the most appropriate words.

A new research title "Underage drinking in Kenya", has .....................1...................that nearly one third of form four students aged below 18 years take alcohol .....................2................... As our society ponders this sad ..................3............................., the urgent message to children who are taking alcohol ..............................4................ do not drink another sip. Advice to those children is to strongly say "no". ..................5.....................irresponsible behaviour, to alcoholism, there are many..................6..................effects of alcohol. It is wrong and illegal for children to drink alcohol. This report also states that 46 percent of the children received ..................7................first pint from friends and .....................8...................... Do you offer alcohol to a child? As a parent or guardian, do you nurture .....................9................? How much time do you spend with them? Notably, ...........................10...............of guidance and supervision are stimuli to underage drinking.

3. Oral Skills (30mks) Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow

Make me a grave where'er you will, In a lowly plain, or a lofty hill; Make it among earth's humblest graves, But not in a land where men are slaves.

I could not rest if around my grave I heard the steps of a trembling slave; His shadow above my silent tomb Would make it a place of fearful gloom I could not rest if I heard the tread

Of a coffle going to the shambles led, And the mother's shriek of wild despair Rise like a curse on the trembling air (by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper)


a. Describe the rhyme scheme of the poem above. (2mks)

b. Apart from rhyme, mention two other ways they have achieved rhythm? (4mks)

c. Mention two ways in which you would know that your audience is fully participating during the recitation of the poem above. (2mks)

d. How would you say the last line of the poem? (2mks)

e. Indicate whether the following items have a falling or a rising intonation. (4mks)

i. Get out now!

ii. The man was accused of theft.

iii. How did you find the English exam?

iv. Could he have left?

f. Underline the silent letters in the following words. (4mks)

i. Corps

ii. Parliament

iii. Leopard

iv. Fracas

g. Provide a homophone for each of the following words. (4mks)

i. Bury

ii. Claws

iii. Guest

iv. Male

h. The underlining indicates the stressed word in the sentences below. Briefly explain what each sentence mean (3mks)

i. The lady in a red dress lost her purse

ii. The lady in a red dress lost her purses

iii. The lady in a red dress lost her purse.

i. Identify the odd word out according to the pronunciation of the underlined sound. (2mks)

i. Said Head Gate Led

ii. Face Phrase Shepherd Phase

j. Below is a dialogue between Muthomi and James who are candidates. Read it and answer the questions that follow.

Muthomi: James, I'm worried about my performance in English. It's not encouraging.

James: Ah! I'm happy with mine in Biology. I got an A in the last exam.

Muthomi: I really don't know what to do about English, maybe...

James: I don't like History and P.E teacher. He thinks he is the only one who can a pick-up truck. My mum told me she would be buying one soon.

Muthomi: (Trying to bring him back to the topic) Tell me James, how do you revise English?

James: Oh! Is that Betty? She promised to bring me a movie. (Calling out) Betty! Betty!

(The runs after her)

i. Identify the shortcomings in the dialogue above (3mks)

English Paper 2 - 2021 K.C.S.EPrediction Set 1

Instructions to Candidates

1. Write your details in the spaces provided above.

2. Answer all the questions in this paper.

3. Answer the questions in English.

1. Comprehension

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow The process of developing social skills among children at an early age is important. Researchers have cited rejection by peers as the greatest challenge children face in their quest to build meaningful social skills.

It has been reported that children who get bullied and snubbed by peers are more likely to have problems in relating with others.

In recent times, researchers have found at least three factors in a child's behaviour that can lead to social rejection. The factors involve a child's inability to pick up on and respond to nonverbal cues from their pals. In the United states 10 to 13 percent of school-going children experience some form of rejection by their peers.

In addition to causing mental health problems, bullying and social isolation can increase the likelihood of a child getting poor grades, dropping out of school,, or developing substance abuse problems.

It is reported that the social skills that children gain on the playground or elsewhere could show up later in life, according to Richard Lavoie, an expert in child social behaviour.

He says that children experiment with the relationship styles they will have as adults during unstructured playtime-when children interact without the guidance of an authority figure. Researchers say that the number- one need of any human is to be liked by other humans.

However, researchers have expressed concern that our children are like strangers in their own land. They don't understand the basic rules of social behaviour and their mistakes are usually unintentional. Children who face rejection may have problems in at least one of three different areas of nonverbal communication, which is the reason they are rejected.

These are reading nonverbal cues; understanding their social meaning; and coming up with options for resolving a social conflict.

A child, for example, simply my not notice a person's scowl of impatience or understand what a tapped foot means. In another situation, a child may have trouble reconciling the desires of a friend with her own.

Anyone trying to help children on their social skills should try to pinpoint the weaknesses a child has and then build those up. When children have prolonged struggles with socializing, "a vicious cycle begins," children who are shunned by others have few opportunities to practice social skills whereas popular children have more than enough opportunities to perfect theirs. However, having just one or two friends can be enough to give a child the social practice he or she need.

Parents, teachers and other adults in a child's life can help, too. Instead of reacting with anger or embarrassment to a child who, say, asks Aunt Vera if her new hairdo was a mistake, parents should teach social skills with the same tone they use for teaching numeracy skills or proper hygiene.If presented as a learning opportunity, rather than a punishment, children usually appreciate the lesson. It is important to note that most children are so desperate to have friends that they just jump on board.

To teach social skills, Lavoie advises a five-step approach in his book. The process works for children with or without learning disabilities and is best conducted immediately after a wrongdoing has been made.

First, ask the child what happened and listen without judgment. Second, ask the child to identify their mistake. Often children only know that someone got upset, but don't understand their own role in the outcome. Third, help the child identify the cue they missed or mistake they made, by asking something like: "How would you feel if Emma was hogging the tyre swing?" Instead of lecturing with the word "should," offer options the child "could" have taken in the moment, such as "You could have asked Emma to join you or told her you would give her the swing after your turn.

"Fourth, you can create an imaginary but similar scenario where the child can make the right choice. For example, you could say, "If you were playing with a shovel in the sand box and Aiden wanted to use it, what would you do?" Lastly, give the child" social homework" by asking him to practice this new skill, saying: "Now that you know the importance of sharing, I want to hear about something you share tomorrow."

(Adapted from Feb 2, 2010)


a. In one sentence, explain what this passage is talking about? (2mks)

b. What is the number one need of any human being? (1mk)

c. What are cited as the causes for social rejection according to the passage (2mks)

d. What is social rejection likely to lead to (2mks)

e. What vicious cycle is referred to in this passage (2mks)

f. How can a parent make children appreciate the lesson on social skills? (2mks)

g. "How would you feel if Emma was hogging the tyre swing?" Re-write in reported speech. (1mk)

h. Make notes on the five-step approach to teach children social skills (5mks)

i. Explain the meanings of the following words and phrases as used in the passage (3mks)

i. Authority figure

ii. Shunned

iii. Jump on board

2. Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow (25mks)

A Doll's House: Krogstad: (Controlling himself) Listen to me, Mrs. Helmer. If necessary, I am prepared to fight for my small post in the Bank as if I were fighting for my life.

Nora: So it seems Krogstad: It is not only for the sake of the money; indeed, that weighs least with me in the matter.

There is another reason-well, I may we well tell you. My position is this. I daresay you know, like everybody else, that once, many years ago, I was guilty of an indiscretion.

Nora: I think I have heard something of the kind.

Krogstad: The matter never came into court; but every way seemed to be closed to me after that.

So I took to the business that you know of. I had to do something; and, honestly, I don't think I've been one of the worst. But now I must cut myself free from all that. My sons are growing up; for their sake I must try and win back as much respect as I can in the town. This post in the Bank was like the first step up for me – and now your husband is going to kick me downstairs again into the mud.

Nora: But you must believe me, Mr. Krogstad; it is not in my power to help you at all. Krogstad: Then it is because you haven't the will; but I have means to compel you.

Nora: You don't mean that you will tell my husband that I owe you money?

Krogstad: Hm! – suppose I were to tell him?

Nora: I would be perfectly infamous of you. (Sobbing) To think of his learning my secret, which has been my joy and pride, in such an ugly, clumsy way – that he should learn it from you! And it would out me in a horribly disagreeable position- Krogstad: Only disagreeable?

Nora: (Impetuously) well, do it, then! – and it will be the worse for you. My husband will see for himself what a blackguard you are, and you certainly won't keep your post them.

Krogstad: I asked you if it was only a disagreeable scene at home that you were afraid of?

Nora: If my husband does get to know of it, of course he will at once pay you what is still owing, and we shall have nothing more to do with you.

Krogstad: (Coming a step nearer)Listen to me, MrsHelmwe. Either you have a very bad memory or you know very little of business. I shall be obliged to remind you of a few details.


a. What happens just before this excerpt? (2mks)

b. Identify and illustrate any two themes evident in the excerpt. (4mks)

c. Using about fifty words, summarise why Krogstad is prepared to fight for the small post in the bank (5mks)

d. Identify and illustrate any two character traits of; (4mks)

i. Krogstad

ii. Nora

e. Identify and illustrate any two stylistic devices used in the excerpt. (4mks)

f. Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the extract (2mks)

i. Compel

ii. Blackguard

g. "I shall be obliged to remind you of a few details". Which are those details? (4mks)

3. Read the following narrative then answer the questions that follow (20mks)

Once upon a time Hare and Hyena were very good friends. They visited each other every day and herded their cows together.

There came a time when the cows started dying one after the other. The two friends wanted to find out why the cows were dying. Hare said, 'Let us go and kill our mothers and take out their livers.

We shall then cook and taste these livers. The bitter liver will show whose mother was making the cows die. At once Hyena went and killed his mother. He took out the liver and cooked it. Hare went and hid his mother in the garden in bushy banana plants. He then went and killed an antelope, took out its liver and cooked it.

The two friends met to eat their livers. "My liver is very bitter", said the Hyena. "Mine is very sweet," said Hare, "So it was your mother who was making the cows die." Hyena kept quiet and went home feeling sad. He moved from the old house to a smaller one because now he had no mother.

Hare did the same After a short time, there was great famine in the land. The two friends decided that each of them was to look for food on alternate days sharing, on an equal basis what was available. When it was Hyena's turn, he went and found only honeycombs without any honey. When Hyenabrought these, Hare refused this because he had secretly gone to his mother who had given him some bananas. This went on for many days, and Hyena grew thinner and thinner.

Then he started wondering. "How does my friend remain fat and he doesn't eat anything.

I will find out." One day he followed Hare. Hare went to his mother as usual. 'Mother, mother, I have come' and the mother dropped some bananas which Hare ate quickly.

He then looked for some honeycombs and took them to the friend. "This is all I could find my friend." The Hyena kept quiet. The next day he went to the banana plant and called. His voice however was very deep and no bananas were dropped for him.

There was an old hyenawho was staying at the end of the forest and used to give advice to people.

So Hare's friend went to her and told her his problem. "Go and put your tongue on the path of black ants," He was told, "Let them bite your tongue until it hurts. That's how your voice will be soft."

Hyena went and did as he was told. When he went to Hare's mother his voice was as soft as Hare's. "Mother, mother I have come." And Hare's mother dropped bananas for his him.

Then he told her to come and greet him. When she came down and saw it was Hyena she screamed but there was nobody near to help. Hyena killed her immediately.

Hyena went and met Hare as usual saying nothing about Hare's mother. The following day it was Hare's. "Mother, mother I have come.' And Hare's mother dropped bananas for his him. Then he told her to come and greet him. When she came down and saw it was Hyena she screamed but there was nobody near to help. Hyena killed her immediately.

Hyena went and met Hare as usual saying nothing about Hare's mother. The following day it was Hare's turn. He went to his usual place. "Mother" he called again. He climbed up. There was nobody. Having seen some blood on the ground, Hare knew what had happened to his mother. When Hare got back to Hyena's house, he said nothing.

At night, Hare took all cows including Hyena's and went away to live in another part of the country. That ended the Hare and Hyena's friendship. And that is the end of my story to you.


a. With illustrations, classify the above narrative (2mks)

b. Identify three features of narratives (3mks)

c. Identify three features in this story that are characteristics of oral narratives (3mks)

d. Briefly explain the character traits of the following (4mks)

i. Hare

ii. Hyena

e. What moral lesson do you learn from this story? (2mks)

f. Identify two socio-economic activities from the community in which the narrative is taken from. (2mks)

g. You have been selected for a fieldwork research to collect the above item.

i. Briefly explain two ways in which you would collect information on the item. (2mks)

ii. Identify two challenges you might encounter during the field work and state how you would solve them. (2mks)

h. Then he started wondering "How does my friend remain fat and he doesn't eat anything. I will find out". (Re-write into indirect speech) (1mk)

i. Describe the irony in the fifth paragraph (2mks)

4. Grammer (15mks)

a. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given (3mks) i. He will not be given a driving license. He passes the road test (Rewrite as one using 'unless')

ii. The woman left the child with a neighbor and went to the market. (Begin: leaving....)

iii. The boys went to play in the field (underline the adverbial)

b. Supply the correct preposition to complete the sentences given. (3mks)

i. Property worth millions of shillings went up .........................flames.

ii. The three boys shared the bread ...................................themselves.

iii. We should strive to live .......................................our means.

c. Use the correct form of the word in brackets to fill in the blank spaces in the sentences below. (3mks)

i. The audience was offended by the .......................................(sense) of the speaker.

ii. The ...............................................(acquire) of a university degree is a great milestone to a student.

iii. Everyone should obey the law ....................................of their position in the society.

d. Use the correct alternative to complete the sentences below (4mks)

i. Teaching ..........................................(practice/practice) is not an easy job for teacher- trainees.

ii. The prophet's .....................................(prophesy/prophecy) was misleading to his audience.

iii. He ...........................................((insured/ensured) his car with Madison.

iv. Mwita ......................................(hanged/hung) the chart on the wall.

e. Write the following sentences in indirect speech (1mk)

"These are juicy mangoes," Ken said.

f. You do not require to cheat to pass (1mk) (Supply a suitable question tag).

ENGLISH PAPER 3 - 2021 K.C.SE Prediction Set 1

1. Write your details in the spaces provided above.

2. Answer three questions only

3. Questions one and two are compulsory

4. In question three choose only one of the optional texts you have prepared on.

5. Where a candidate presents work on more than one optional text, only the first one to appear will be marked.

6. Each of your essays must not exceed 450 words.

7. Candidates should check to ascertain that no questions are missing.

1. Imaginative Composition (20mks)

a. Write a composition ending with the following statement.Imaginative Composition (20mks) ......a final look at her made me realize that choices have consequences.


Write a composition to illustrate the proverb, "once beaten twice shy".

2. Compulsory Text Blossoms of the Savannah H.R Ole Kulet (20MKS)

Parenting should build an environment of trust and peace in a family. Write an essay that explores how this statement applies to the Ole Kaelo family in Blossoms of the Savannah.

3. Optional Set Books

a. Drama: David Mulwa: The Inheritance

Inheriting a top seat without merit only invites ridicule from subjects. Write an essay showing how satire has been used in The Inheritance by David Mulwa.

b. Short stories: Moran (ED) memories we lost.

Discuss the major issues highlighted by the writer in the story window seat by Benjamin Branoff.

c. John Steinbeck. The Pearl

The Pearl potrays humans as beings inherently greedy. Show the validity of this statement with reference to The Pearl.

Kiswahili Karatasi Ya 1 - 2021 K.C.SE Prediction Set 1

1. Swali la lazima

Nchini Kenya wanachi wamegawanyika katika misingi mbali mbali. Hali hii inatishia usalama na umoja wa kitaifa. Kama mtaalamu na katibu wa shirika lisilo la kiserikali la Kenya Moja, mwandikie rais barua ukipendekeza mikakati ya kuimarisha na kudumisha umoja wa kitaifa

2. Utandawazi unaathari nyingi mbaya kuliko nzuri katika maisha yetu. Jadili

3. Siku ya nyani kufa, miti yote huteleza

4. Andika insha ikayamalizikia kwa

Tokea siku hiyo, maisha yangu yakachukua mkondo mpya

Kiswahili Karatasi Ya 2 - 2021 K.C.SE Prediction Set 1

1. Ufahamu (Alama 15)

Soma ufhamu kisha ujibu maswali

Mojawapo ya masuala tata yanayokumba taifa letu la Kenya ni zimwi la ufisadi. Ufisadi huu umekuwa kizingiti kikubwa katika juhudi za serikali katika kuendeleza miradi ya maendeleo kwa raia wake. Kulingana na utafiti uliofanywa na shirika la Transparency International, Kenya imeorodheshwa miongoni mwa mataifa fisadi duniani. Utafiti huu umeleta mwamko mpya kwa serikali, upinzani pamoja na mashirika mengi ya humu nchini na ya kimataifa kupiga darubini suala hili.

Kwanza, suala la ubepari limeelekezewa lawama. Kuna baadhi ya watu ambao wanatamani kumiliki ulimwengu mzima, wana utashi wa kupokea mali kwa njia yoyote. Watu kama hawa ndio wameweka vikwazo na kulazimisha wenzao kutoa kadhongo ili wahudumiwe. Aidha, wafanyakazi wa serikali wasipolipwa vyema wanaweza kuitikia mpango wa ufisadi ili waeze kujipatia riziki.

Sababu hhi ndio inawafanya baadhi ya polisi kushirikiana na wahalifu. Badala ya kutarajia pingu za polisi, wanatarajia pambaja baada ya kula mlungula.

Ukosefu wa kazi nchini pia umechangia pakubwa kukuza ufisadi. Vijana barobaro wanazurura ovyo ovyo huku wakitafuta kazi lakini hawapati kazi wala bazi. Ili wapate kazi wanalazimika kutoa kadhongo ndipo waajiriwe. Ufisadi una madhara chungu nzima. Mojawapo wa madhara haya ni kuzorota kwa usalama nchini. Wahalifu humiliki silaha kinyume cha sheria. Silaha hizi hutumiwa kupora mali na kutekeleza mauaji. Tatizo hili limepiga dhoruba kali uchumi kwani wawekezaji wa kigeni wamesita kuwekeza humu nchini.

Eneo jingine ambapo ufisadi hutekelezwa ni katika ukwepaji ushuru. Ni bayana kwamba kulipa ushuru ni kujitegemea. Serikali hupata hela muhimu za kugharamia huduma kwa wananchi kupitia ulipaji wa ushuru.

Basi ikiwa hela hizi zitapotea kupitia ukwepaji wa ushuru, serikali haitakuwa katika nafasi ya kutoa huduma kwa wananchi. Huduma hizi ni kama vile afya, nguvu za umeme, usalama, ujenzi wa barabara na miuondomsingi mingine miongoni mwa huduma nyingine. Aidha, serikali hushindwa kulipa mishahara ya wafanayikazi wake.

Ufisadi bila shaka umekuwa kidondandugu katika harakati za kuimarisha uchumi. Serikali inafaa kushutumiwa kwa kutovalia njuga suala hili ambalo linaendelea kuota mizizi kila uchao.

Wanachi hawana budi kushirikiana na taasisi za kukabiliana na ufisadi ili kulizika janga hili katika kaburi la sahau.


a. Taja kichwa mwafaka cha makala haya (alama 2)

b. Eleza kiini cha zimwi linalozungumziwa katika makala haya (alama 4)

c. Thinitisha kwamba ufisadi ni "kidondandugu" (alama 4)

d. Eleza namna uchumi umelamazwa kwakuwepo kwa ufisadi (alam 2)

e. Toa maana ya

i. Utashi

ii. Kadhongo

iii. Kutovalia njuga

2. Ufupisho (Alama 15)

Soma makala yafuatayo kisha ujibu maswali

Wataalamu wa maswala ya kielimu wanadai kuwa huenda nchi hii ikalaumiwa kwa kuendeleza mfumo wa elimu unaozingatia maslahi ya wakwasi na kuwapuuza wachochole.

Mfumo huu wa elimu umezua mfumo mwingine wa kijamii ambapo watoto wa wenye hadhi wanaapata eleimu bora kuliko watoto wa maskini.

Pengo baina ya haya matabaka linzaidi kupanuka kama ardhi na mbingu Watoto kutoka jamii hohehahe wanasomea katika shule za umma zisizo na lolote wala chochote na watoto wa kifahari wanasomea katika shule za kibinafsi zilizo na vifaa mufti na mazingira faafu.

Mfumo wa jinsi hii ni kuitia jamii kitanzi kwa sababu ya kuzuka kwa matabaka yanayohasimiana Katika nchi ambapo asilimia sitini ya watu inaishi katika hali ambayo ni chini ya dola moja kila siku, watoto wengi huenda shuleni bila kula chochote na hushinda hivyo kutwa nzima na wasing'amue chochote darasani.

Walimu wao nao hawana ilhamu au kariha ya kufanya kazi kwa sabau mazingira ya kikazi ni mabovu na huenda shuleni shingo upande kama wakulima bila pembejeo.

Madarasa yao ni mabanda na wengine husomea chini ya miti ambayo inaweza kukatwa wakati wowote na wachoma makaa waliokosana na mazingira.

Unapowatazama watoto hawa, kile kinachoitwa sare ya shule kinakirihisha na kuyaudhi macho. Ni matambara yaliyosheheni viraka vya kila aina katika mseto wa ufakiri.

Hawa ni wenzetu eti!

Tatizo hili limekuwa nyeti hasa kutokana na utandawazi wa mfumo wa soko huru ambao unaruhusu shule za kibinafsi kuendeshwa kama mashirika ya kibiashara.

Karo inayolipwa katika shule hizi ni ya kibiashara, majengo na vifaa ni vya kibishiara, walimu ni wa kibiashara, ilmuradi kila jambo lalenga maslahi ya kibiashara ya walala hoi. Hapo ndipo chimbuko la makabila mawili maarufu nchini yaani matajiri walamba vidole na maskini wanaostakimu madongo-kuinama Uchunguzi umethibitisha kwamba zaidi ya asilimia sitini ya wanafunzi wanaojiunga na shule za kitaifa hutoka katika shule za kibinafsi zinazomilikiwa na matajtri.

Mbinu ya wizara ya Elimu ya kugawa nafasi kwa njia ya haki katika shule za kitaifa haijafua dafu kwa sababu matajiri wajanja huwasajili watoto wao kufanyia mitihani katika shule zisizokuwa na ushindani mkubwa zilizomo mashambani.

Kwa kufanya hivyo, watoto wa maskini huwa wamefungiwa njia kotekote na kuporwa haki yao. Ama kwa kweli, mwenye nguvu mpishe kwani dau la mnyonge haliendi joshi.

Wanafunzi katika shule za binafsi hufunzwa katika makundi madogo amabyo humwezesha mwalimu kushughulikia mahitaji ya kibinafisi ya kila mtoto. Wazazi wao pia huwaajiri walimu wakati wa mapumziko ili kugongomeza au kushadidia mada ambazo hawakuzielewa vizuri shuleni.

Upeo wa lugha wa watoto hawa hauwezi kulinganishwa na wa wenzao kwa sababu shule zao zina maktaba za kisasa, vifaa vya kisasa na vitu meme na hufunzwa teknolojia za kileo kuhsuu mawasiliano. Watoto hawa huandaliwa ziara za kieleimu ili kutanua uelewa wao wa mambo na vile vile hualikiwa watu wanoasifika katika jamii kuwahutubia shuleni mwao kuhusu mada mbalimbali. Wawasilishaji hawa huwa ni kielelezo tosha kwa watoto hawa. Mzazi aliyesoma hujua umuhimu wa elimu na hivyo basi huandaa mikakati mahsusi ili kumfaulisha mwanawe kinyume na wazazi wakata.

Ni bayana kuwa iwapo hivi ndivyo mambo yalivyo basi hata vyuo vikuu vitakuwa himaya ya watoto wa matajiri huku watoto wa kimaskini wakisubiri kuajiriwa nao kama walinzi na matopasi.

Sera za elimu nchini haziwezi fanikiwa pale ambapo rasilimali muhimu zinatengewa watu wachache katika jamii. Watoto wa waunda sera hizi husomea katika shule ambazo hufuata mifumo ya kimataifa ambayo haina ukuruba na yetu hafifu. Katika majukwaa ya kisiasa utawasikia wakisifu mfumo ambao watoto wao wanaukwepa kama ukoma. Imekuja kudhihirika kuwa wale wanaosemekana kuwa viongozi wa kesho ni wale ambao sasa hivi wansomea katika hizo akademia na kufuatilia mifumo ya kigeni au akademia zinazofuata mfumo wetu katika mazingira teule. Swali ni hili, kesho ya mtoto wa kimaskini ni ipi?

Inahitajika mikakati ya kimakusudi ili kulitanzua swala hili kabla ya milipuko ya kijamii kama vile ujambazi, uuaji, ubakaji, uraibu wa mihadarati na kadhalika kutokea. Ipo lazima ya kujenga shule vielelezo katika kila gatuzi ambazo zitafadhiliwa na serikali kwa kupewa mahitaji yote muhimu na lazima mpango wa lishe bora kuanzishwa katika shule za umma ili kukidhi matilaba ya watoto wote. Udahili wa wanfunzi katika shule za kiatifa na katika vyuo vikuu ni sharti uvalishwe vazi la utu na uzalendo bila ubaguzi. Shule za umma ziwe na walimu na madarasa ya kutosha ili kuondoa matatizo yaliyoibuka kutokana na kuanzishwa kwa mpango wa elimu bila malipo katika shule za msingi. Sera kuhusu shule za chekechea lazima izinduliwe kitaifa ili kusawazisha msingi wa kila

mtoto kielemu. Walimu wa shule hizi za malezi lazima wawe na maadnalizi sawa yatakayowawezesha kusawazisha viwango kitaalamu. Mitaala yetu ilenge kuzalisha binadamu ambaye atajinufaisha yeye binafsi na taifa kwa jumla.


a. Ni mabo yapi muhimu yanayojitokeza katika aya ya tatu hadi ya saba (maneno 80-85) (alama 8, 1 utiririko)

Matayarisho......................................................... ............................................................................

Jibu...................................................................... ............................................................................

b. Ni mapendekezo yapi yanayotolewa katika aya ya mwisho (maneno 55-65) Alama 7, 1 ya utiririko)

Matayarisho......................................................... ............................................................................

Jibu...................................................................... ............................................................................

3. Matumizi Ya Lugha (Alama 40)

a. Kanusha sentensi ifuatayo:

Nyumba yake ina milango na mapambo mengi (alam 2)

b. Eleza maana nne za sentensi ifuatayo (alama 2)

Alinunuliwa ng'ombe na mtoto wake

c. Changanua sentensi ifuatayo kwa kutumia mishale (alama 4)

Wanafunzi wasiofuata maagizo watapata alama ambazo zitawaudhi d. Eleza maana ya semi zifuatazo

i. Ana mkono wa msiba (alama 1)

ii. Pele hupewa msi kucha (alama 1)

e. i. Eleza maana ya kirai (alama 1)

ii. Tambulisha aina za virai vilivyopigiwa mstari katika sentensi ifuatayo (alama 1)

Wale wasichana watundu walijificha chini ya dawati mwalimu alipowaita

f. Taja aina moja ya sentensi kidhamira na kuitolea mfano mwafaka (alama 1)

g. Andika kifungu kifuatacho katika usemi halisi (alama 4)

Wanafunzi waliambiwa na mwalimu wao kuwa watakaporudi nyumbani waoge, wale halafu waanze kusoma moja kwa moja badala ya kupoteza wakati wao kutazama vipindi vya runinga. Aliwasisitizia kuwa waliokuwa wakifanya maonyesho kwenye runinga walikuwa tayari wamefuzu vyuoni na kuajiriwa kazi

h. Andika sentensi ifuatyo katika udogo umoja (alama 2)

Tulipoyaona yalikuwa yakisoma majitabu

i. Tunga sentensi moja kuonyesha matumizi mawili ya kiambishi -KI- (alama 1)

j. Eleza matumizi ya kiambishi -KU- katika sentensi ifuatayo: (alama 2)

Kucheza huku kulitufurahisha ingawa mgeni hakufurahi

k. Iandike upya sentensi hii kwa kugeuza shamirisho kitondo kuwa kiima (alama 2)

Tunamwandalia mgeni chakula sasa hivi

l. Tunga sentensi mbili ili kubainisha matumizi ya alama ya mshazari (alama 2)

m. i. Eleza maana ya mofimu (alama 1)

ii. Bainisha mofimu -li- katika utungo huu (alama 2)

Alikimbilia shamba

n. i. Eleza maana ya shadda (alama 1)

ii. Tia shadda katika neno hili kutoa maana mbili tofauti (alama 2)


o. Tofautisha maneno haya kwa kutumia sentensi moja (alama 2)

i. Vuka

ii. Fuka

p. Tumia neno shirika kama nomino na kama kielezi katika sentensi moja (alama 2)

q. Unda nomino moja dhahania kutokana na kitenzi -cha (alama 1)

r. Eleza sifa bainifu zozote mbili za sauti /ch/ (alama 1)

4. Isimu Jamii (Alama 10)

a. Eleza/bainisha ithibati kuwa kiswahili ni lugha ya kibantu (alama 4)

b. Tofautisha istilahi zifuatazo katika Isimu Jamii

i. Uwili lugha na ujozi lugha

ii. Lafudhi na lahaja

iii. Sajili na msimbo

Kiswahili Karatasi Ya 3 - 2021 Prediction Set 1


Jibu maswali manne.

Swali la kwanza ni la lazima

Chagua maswali mengine matatu kutoka kwa sehemu zilizosalia:

Riwaya, Tamthilia, Hadithi fupi na Ushairi.

Usijibu maswali mawili kutoka sehemu moja.

Sehemu Ya A

1. Swali La Lazima

a. i. Semi nini? (alama 1)

ii. Fafanua sifa nne za misimu (alama 4)

b. Soma wimbo ufuatao kisha ujibu maswali Ewe kilizi

Ulozowea kujificha

Nyuma ya mama kujikinga, dhidi ya milio

Yanadi ilo juu mbinguni

Jua kesho ni siku ya siku

Siku ya kujua mbivu na mbichi

Kutofautisha jogoo na vipora

Na riba takaposhika, chake kisu

Ndipo utakapojua bayana

Ukoo wetu si wa kunguru

ikiwa hutayari

kisu kukidhihaki

sithubutu kamwe, wanjani kuingia

sije kuniaibisha miye, amiyo na akraba nzima!


i. Huu wimbo huitwaje? (alama 1)

ii. Eleza majukumu yoyote manne yanayotekelezwa na wimbo huu katika jamii (alama 4)

c. i. Mivigha ni nini? (alama 2)

ii. Eleza sifa tatu za mivigha (alama 3)

d. Fafanua matatizo matano ambayo yanaikumba fasihi simulizi duniani (alama 5)

Sehemu Ya B

Riwara: Chozi La Heri: Asumpta Matei

2. "...haifai kucheza na uwezo wavijana, wao ni kama nanga. Huwezi kuzamisha na kuiongea merikebu." a. Eleza muktadha wa dondoo hili (alama 4)

b. Bainisha tamathali mbili za usemi zilizotumika katika dondoo (alama 4)

c. Kwa kurejelea riwaya hii, onyesha jinsi vijana wamezamisha merikebu ya wahafidhina. (alama 12)

3. Baada ya dhiki faraja. Onyesha vile ukweli wa methali hii unavyodhihirika kwenye riwaya. (alama 20)

Sehemu Ya C

Tamthilia: Kigogo: Pauline Kea

4. "Sitaki kuaibishwa na mwanamke mimi, siwezi."

a. Yaweke maneno haya katika muktadha wake. (alama 4)

b. Fafanua kwa hoja nane kuwa msemaji wa maneno haya anafaa kuaibishwa (alama 16)

5. a. Jadili jinsi kumi ambazo kwazo maudhui ya ukatili yanajitokeza katika tamthilia ya Kigogo (alama 10)

b. Eleza mifano mitano ya matumizi ya kinaya katika tamthilia ya Kigogo (alama 10)

Sehemu Ya D : Hadithi Fupi Tumbo Lisiloshiba Na Hadithi Nyingine

6. Eleza nafasi ya vijana katika jamii ukirejelea hadithi fupi zifuatazo.

a. Mapenzi ya kifaurongo (alama 5)

b. Shogake Dada ana ndevu (alama 5)

c. Mame Bakari (alama 10)

7. Ndoto ya mashaka: Ali Abdalla Ali

"Sasa nimechoka mja. Nimechoka hata naradua kufa kuliko kuishi. Hadi lini haya mashaka ya kutengenezwa? Mashaka ya mashaka!

a. Eleza muktadha wa dondoo hili (alama 4)

b. Tambua mbinu mbili za lugha zilizotumika (alama 4)

c. Fafanua mambo sita yanayomfanya mrejelewa aradue kufa. (alama 12)

Sehemu Ya E: Ushairi

8. Soma shairi lifuatalo kisha ujibu maswali

Barabaraba do ni ndefu

Nami tayari nimecho katiki

Natama ni kuketi

Ni'nyooshe misuli

Nitulize akili


Azma ya nisukuma

Mbele ikinihimiza kuendelea

Baada ya miinuko na kuruba

Sasa naona unyoofu wake

Unyoofu ambao unatisha zaidi

Punde natumbukia katika shimo

Nahitaji siha zaidi ili kupanda tena

Ghafla nakumbuka ilivyosema

Ile sauti zamani kidogo

"Kuwa tayari kupanda na kushuka".

Ingawa nimechoka

Jambo moja dhahiri

Lazima hufuate barabara

Ingawa machweo yaingia

Nizame na kuibuka


Jambo moja na kumbuka; Mungu

Je nimwombe tena? Hadi lini?

Labda amechoshwa na ombaomba zangu

Nashangaa tena!

Kitu kimoja na kiamini

Lazima niendelee kujitahidi kwa kila hatua mpya

Nijikokote kuiandama hii barabara yenye ukungu

Nikinaswa na kujinasua

Yumkini nitafika mwisho wake

Ikiwa wangu mwisho haitauwahi kabla.


a. Taja naueleze aina ya shairi hili (alama 2)

b. Eleza toni ya shairi hili (alama 2)

c. Huku ukitoa mifano mwafaka eleza tamathali tatu za usemi ambazo zinajitokeza katika shairi (alama 3)

d. Mshairi ametumia uhuru wake wa utunzi. Eleza mifano mitatu huku ukitolea mifano. (alama 3)

e. Fafanua dhamira ya mtunzi wa shairi hili (alama 2)

f. Andika kifungu cha mwisho katika lugha ya nathari. (alama 4)

g. Eleza maana ya msamiati ufuatao kama ulivyotumika katika shairi (alama 4)

i. Kuruba

ii. Siha

iii. Machweo

iv. Kujinasua

Chemistry Paper 1 - 2021 K.C.SE Prediction Set 1

1. The set up below can be used to prepare oxygen gas. Study it and answer the questions that follow.

a. Identify X ( 1mk)

b. What property of oxygen makes it possible for it to be collected a shown in the above set up. ( 1 mk)

c. State two uses of oxygen . ( 1mk)

2. Write an equation to show the effect of heat on each of the following

a. Silver nitrate ( 1mk)

b. An hydrous iron (ii) sulphate ( 1mk)

c. Sodium hydrogen carbonate .( 1mk)

3. i. What name is given to the process by which alcohol is formed from a carbohydrate.?. (1mk)

ii. Explain why the solubility of ethane in water is lower than that of ethanol. ( 2mks)

4.i. Complete the nuclear equation below (1mk)

ii. The half – life of is 8 days

Determine the half life of if 50 grammes decayed for 40 days. ( 1mk)

iii. Give one agricultural use of radio isotope. ( 1mK)

5. Charcoal is a fuel that is commonly used for cooking. When it burns it forms two oxides a. Name the two oxides . (2mks)

b. State one use of any of the two oxides . (1mk)

6. An element X has a relative atomic mass of 88. When a current of 0.5 amperes was passed through a fused chloride of X for 32 minutes, 10 seconds; 0.44g of X was deposited. i. Determine the charge of element X (1 Faraday = 96,500c) . ( 2mks)

ii. Write the formula of hydroxide of X. ( 1mk)

7. Study the following flow chart and answer the questions that follow:

a. Write the formula of

i. Alcohol R (1mk)

ii. Compound S (1mk)

b. Name process T ( 1mK)

8. 60cm³ of oxygen gas diffuses through a porous plug in 50 seconds. How long will it take 80cm³ of sulphur ( iv) oxide to diffuse through the same plug under the same conditions. (S = 32 O = 16 ) ( 3mks)

9. Study the information in the table below and answer the questions that follow.

Salt Solubility g/100g water
At 50o C At 80oc
G 43 58
Y 82 138
A mixture containing 40g salt G and 120g salt Y in 100g of water at 80o was cooled to 50o i. Which salt crystallized out?. Give a reason (2mks)

ii. Calculate the mass of the salt that crystallized out. (1mk)

10. a. State two conditions necessary for rusting to occur.(1mk)

b. State the two reasons why tin coating is used in food cans. (2mks)

11. A form one student was supplied with a colourless liquid which was suspected to be water. i. Describe one chemical test that could be carried out to show that the liquid is water.(2mks)

ii. How could it have been shown that one liquid was pure water (1mk)

12. During extraction of copper, the ore is first concentrated and roasted to produce copper (I) Sulphide. i. Name the ore from which copper is commonly extracted. (1mk)

ii. Write an equation for the reaction in which copper (I) sulphide is produced by roasting the ore in air .(1mk)

iii. Give one effect that the process in (ii) above could have on the environment. ( 1mk)

iv. Give one use of copper metals (1mk)

13. a. Name two cations that are present in hard water. (1mk)

b. Explain how the ion exchange resin softened had water.(2mks)

14. Below is a representation of an electrochemical cell. Pb (s)/ Pb 2+

(aq) // Ag+

(aq) / Ag(s)

a. What does / / represent ? ( 1mk)

b. Given the following: EÆŸ (V)

Pb2+(aq) + 2e → Pb(s) - 0.13

Ag+(aq) + e → Ag (s) + 0.80

Calculate the e.m.f of the electrochemical cell. (2mks)

15. Distingush between ionization energy and electron affinity of an element (1mk)

16. Calculate the percentage by mass of copper in copper (ii) carbonate salt. ( Cu = 64, C= 12, 0 = 16 ) ( 3mks)

17. What name is given to elements which appear in group (II) of the periodic table? ( 1mk)

18. Explain why the following substances conduct an electric current a. Magnesium metal ( 1mk)

b. Molten magnesium chloride ( 1 mk)

19. The chromatography below was obtained from a contaminated food sample P. Contaminants Q, R, S and T are suspected to be in P. Use it to answer the following questions.

i. Name line labelled X. ( 1mk)

ii. Identify the contaminants in mixture P.( 1mk)

iii. Which is the most soluble contaminant in P. ( 1mk)

20. a. Diamond and graphite are allotropes of carbon. What is meant by an allotrope? (1 mk)

b. Explain why graphite can be used as a lubricant while diamond cannot. (2mks)

21. Where 15cm³ of a gaseous hydrocarbon,p, was burnt in 100 cm³ of oxygen, the resulting gaseous mixture occupied 70cm³ at room temperature and pressure. When the gaseous mixture was passed through potassium hydroxide solution, its volume decreased to 25cm³

a. What volume of oxygen was used during the reaction?. (1mk)

b. Determine the molecular formular of the hydrocarbon. (2mks)

22. In terms of structure and bonding, explain the following observations: a. The melting point of aluminium is higher than that of sodium. (1⁄2 mks)

b. Melting point of chlorine is lower than that of sulphur. (11⁄2 mks)

23. The set up below was used to investigate the reaction between dry hydrogen gas and copper (II) oxide.

i. Name substance A. ( 1mk)

ii. State the observation made in the combustion tube. (1mk)

iii. Explain the observations made in (ii) above. (1 mk)

24. Hydrogen chloride gas can be prepared by reacting sodium chloride with an acid. a. Write an equation for the reaction between sodium chloride and the acid. ( 1mk)

b. Give two chemical properties of hydrogen chloride gas (1mk)

c. State two uses of hydrogen chloride gas. (1mk)

25. State and explain what would happen if a dry red litmus paper was dropped in a gas jar of dry chlorine. (2mks)

26. By using aqueous sodium chloride describe how a student can distinguish calcium ions from lead ions. (2mks)

27. Given the following substances: wood ash lemon juice and sodium chloride a. Name one commercial indicator that can be used to show whether wood, lemon juice and sodium chloride are acidic, basic or neutral. (1mk)

b. Classify the substances in 27(a) above as acids, bases or neutral.(2mks)

28.A solution was made by dissolving 8.2g of calcium nitrate to give 2 litres of solution. Determine the concentration of nitrate ions in moles per litre. (3mks)

Chemistry Paper 2 - 2021 K.C.SE Prediction Set 1

1. a. Study the information in the table below and answer the questions that follow.

(The letters do not represent the actual symbol of the substances).

Substance Density at room
Solubility in
Boiling point (°C) Melting point(°C)
U       0.8 Very soluble        78.5          -117
V 0.77 × 10-³ Very soluble         -33          -78
W        1.6 Insoluble          77           -23
X 1.33 × 10-³ Slightly soluble          -183           -219
Substance Density at room temperature g/cm3 Solubility in water Boiling point (oC) Melting point(oC) U 0.8 Very soluble 78.5 -117 V 0.77 × 10-3 Very soluble -33 -78 W 1.6 Insoluble 77 -23 X 1.33 × 10-3 Slightly soluble -183 -219 i. Select the letter that represents a substance that is a gas at room temperature and which can be collected:

I. Over water. Explain. {2 marks}

II. By downward displacement of air. (Density of air is 1.29 x 10-3 g/cm3 at room temperature). {1 mark}

ii. Which substance would dissolve in water and could be separated from the solution by fractional distillation? Explain. {2 marks}

iii. Which substance is a liquid at room temperature and when mixed with water two layers would be formed? {1 mark}

b. The grid below shows part of a periodic table. Study it and answer the questions that follow.

(The letters do not represent the actual symbols of the elements)

i. Name the Group to which element I and Q belong. {1 mark}

ii. Which letter represents the element that is least reactive? {1 mark}

iii. Name the type of bond that is formed between element H and L when they react. Explain. {2 marks}

iv. Write the chemical formula of the compound formed when element J and Oxygen gas react. {1 mark}

v. On the grid, indicate with a tick (√) the position of element R, which forms R3- ions and is in the third period of the Periodic Table. {1 mark}

2.a. A form four student investigated a property of acids C and E by reacting equal volumes of 1 M sodium hydroxide solution with equal volumes of acid C and E of the same concentration. The results obtained were recorded in the table below.

Acid C E
Rise in temperature (Δt)k 4 2
i. Select the letter that represent a weak acid. Explain. {2 marks}

ii. Write a chemical equation for the reaction between Sodium hydroxide solution and aqueous ethanoic acid. {1 mark}

b. i. What is molar heat of vaporization? {1 mark}

ii. The formation of Hydrogen peroxide under standard conditions is represented by the following thermochemical equations:

H2(g) + O2(g) → H202(g) ΔHθ f

= -133 kJ/mol

H2(g) + O2(g) → H202(l) ΔHθ f

= -188 kJ/mol

Draw an energy cycle diagram that links the above two thermochemical equations. {3 marks}

iii. Calculate the molar heat of vaporiz

ation of hydrogen peroxide. {1 mark}

iv. Write the thermochemical equation for the molar heat of vaporization of Hydrogen peroxide. {1 mark}

c. i. What is a fuel? {1 mark}

ii. Natural gas, coal and oil are known as fossil fuels. They are major sources of energy. Hydrogen gas is also a source of energy.

I. State and explain two reasons why Hydrogen is a very attractive fuel compared to fossils. {2 marks}

II. State one disadvantage of using Hydrogen fuel instead of fossil fuels.{1 mark}

3. The flow chart below is a simplified version of the steps in the manufacture of Sodium carbonate.

a. Name the process illustrated by the flow chart above. {1 mark}

b. Name three main raw materials of the above process. {3 marks}

c. Name substance M. {1 mark}

d. Name the process taking place in step II. {1 mark}

e. Identify by-product Y and write a balanced chemical equation to show how it is formed. {2 marks}

f. 98.123 Kg of Sodium hydrogen carbonate was manufactured in this process. i. What is solid Z. {1 mark}

ii. Write a chemical equation for the formation of solid Z. {1 mark}

iii. Determine in Kilograms, how much of solid Z was produced in this process. (Na = 23, H = 1, 0 = 16, C = 12) {3 marks}

4.a. Study the standard reduction potentials for elements R, T, U, V and W given below and answer the questions that follow. (The letters are not the actual symbols of the elements).

i. What is the E0 value of the strongest reducing agent? {1 mark}

ii. Which element is likely to be Hydrogen? Give a reason for your answer. {2 marks}

iii. Draw in the space provided below, a labelled diagram of the electrochemical cell that would be obtained when half-cells of elements T and V are combined. {3 marks}

iv. On the diagram (iii) above:

I. draw an arrow showing direction of flow of electrons. {1 mark}

II. Label by naming the anode and cathode of the electrochemical cell.{1 mark}

v. Determine the E0 value of the electrochemical cell constructed in (iii) above.{2 marks}

b. 1.48 g of Copper metal were deposited when current was passed through aqueous Copper (II) Sulphate for 2 hours 30 minutes during purification of Copper in electrolysis. Determine the amount of current used. (Cu= 63.5, IF= 96500 C) {3 marks}

5.a. The following scheme represents various reactions starting with pro-1-ene. Use it to answer the questions that follow.

i. Write the chemical name of Organic compound X. {1 mark}

ii. Write the formula of organic compound Y. {1 mark}

iii. State one reagent that can be used in: I. Step I {1 mark}

II. Step II {1 mark}

iv. Name compound V and state one of its use. {1 mark}

v.I. Name gas Q. {1 mark}

II. Write the equation of the reaction in step III {1 mark}

III. Name organic compound Y. {1 mark}

b. The structure shown below represents the monomer of natural rubber.

Using two monomers of the above structure, show how the monomer polymerises. {1 mark}

6. Below is a simplified diagram of a blast furnace used in the extraction of iron from its ores. Study it and answer the questions that follow.

a. Name one other iron ore material that can be used in the blast furnace. {1 mark}

b. The iron obtained from the blast furnace has a melting point of 1200°C while that of pure iron is 1535°C. Explain. {1 mark}

c. What is the purpose of limestone in the blast furnace? {1 mark}

d. State one physical property of molten slag other than density that allows it to be separated from molten iron as shown in the diagram above. {1 mark}

e. State one use of fire-brick lining in the blast furnace. {1 mark}

f. i. Name one of the reducing agents used to reduce iron {III) oxide to iron metal in the blast furnace. {1 mark}

ii. Using the named reducing agent in f(i) above and iron (III) oxide, write an equation involving this reaction. {1 mark}

g. Explain why the temperature in the region marked A is higher than that of the incoming hot air. {1 mark}

h. i. What name is given to the 90- 95% pure iron obtained from the blast furnace? {1 mark

ii. lron from the blast furnace contains about 5% carbon. State how the carbon content is reduced. {1 mark}

7.a. A sample of water containing 0.001 moles of calcium hydrogencarbonate was added to 90 cm³ of 0.01M calcium hydroxide.

i. Write an equation for the reaction that took place. {1 mark}

ii. Calculate the number of moles of calcium ions in 90 cm³ of 0.01M calcium hydroxide. {1 mark}

iii. What would be observed if soap solution was added dropwise to a sample of the water that had been added to calcium hydroxide. Give a reason. {2 marks}

b. The column below was used to soften hard water.

i. Explain how the hard water was softened as it passed through the column.{1 mark}

ii. After sometime the material in the column is not able to soften hard water. How can the material be regenerated?

iii. State one disadvantage of using hard water in boilers. {1 mark}

c. Identify the reagent that acts as a base in the equation below. Give a reason. {2 marks}

Chemistry Paper 3 - 2021 K.C.SE Prediction Set 1

1. You are provided with: Solution A, Dilute hydrochloric acid. Solution B, made by dissolving 0.5g of sodium hydroxide in water and made to 250cm³ of solution.

Solid C, Magnesium ribbon. Phenolphthalein indicator.

You are required to:

i. Standardize solution A.

ii. Determine the rate of reaction between solution A and magnesium.

Procedure I:

i. Measure exactly 1 Ocm³ of solution A using a burette and transfer into a 250ml volumetric flask. Top up to the mark using distilled water and shake thoroughly. Label this solution D.

ii. Drain the remaining solution A in the burette, rinse the burette thoroughly and fill the burette with solution D.

iii. Pipette 25cm³ of solution B into a conical flask. Add three drops of phenolphthalein indicator.

iv. Titrate solution D with solution B. Record your results in the table below. Repeat procedures (i) to (iv) to complete the table.

a. Calculate the average volume of solution D used.(show your working) (1 mark)

b. Write an equation for the reaction that took place. (1 mark)

c. Calculate the molarity of sodium hydroxide solution.(Na =23,0=16,H=l ) (1 mark)

d. Calculate the number of moles of sodium hydroxide reacted. (1 mark)

e. Calculate the number of moles of hydrochloric acid in 250cm³ of solution D. (2marks).

f. Calculate the m9larity of hydrochloric acid in solution A. (1 mark)

Procedure II:

i. Cut solid C into equal pieces, each 2cm long.(I mark) ii. Using a burette, measure 12cm³ of solution A, into a clean boiling tube.

iii. Drop one piece of solid C into the boiling tube containing solution A and start the stopwatch immediately. Stop the stopwatch when all solid C has just disappeared (dissolved).

Record your results in the table below.

iv. Repeat steps (ii) and (iii) above using 10.0cm³

a. Calculate the concentration of each of the solution and and complete the table. Show your working. (2marks) b. Plot a graph of I /t (y-axis) against the concentration of solution A. (3marks)

c. From the graph, determine the time taken for the reaction to reach completion when 1.5 moles of solution A are used. (2 marks)

d. Comment on the shape of the graph. (1 mark)

2. You have been provided with solid Q, Which is a mixture of two compounds. You are required to carry out the test below and record your observations and inferences in the spaces provided below.


i. Put a spatulaful of mixture Q in a boiling tube.

ii. Add about 7cm³

of distilled water to the mixture and shake thoroughly. Filter the mixture.

iii. Wash the residue with distilled water and keep both the residue and the filtrate.

Observation                                                      Inference
                                                1 mark                                                              1 mark
iv. Divide the filtrate into four portions
Observation                                                      Inference
                                                1 mark                                                              1 mark
v. Add 5 drops of acidified 2M barium chloride to the first portion.
Observation                                                      Inference
                                                1 mark                                                              1 mark
vi. Add 3 drops of 2M lead (II) nitrate solution to the second portion.
Observation                                                      Inference
                                                1 mark                                                              1 mark
vii. Add 2M sodium hydroxide to the third portion dropwise until in excess.
Observation                                                      Inference
                                                1 mark                                                              1 mark
viii. Add 2M ammonia solution to the fourth portion drop wise until in excess.
Observation                                                      Inference
                                                1 mark                                                              1 mark
ix. Scrape the residue from the filter paper and transfer it into a boiling tube.

x. Add some dilute 2M Nitric (V) acid while shaking until all the solid dissolves.

xi. Divide the solution into three portions.

xii. To the first portion add 2M sodium hydroxide a few drops till in excess.

Observation                                                      Inference
                                                1 mark                                                              1 mark
xiii. To the second portion add a few drops of 2M ammonia solution till in excess. xiv. To the third portion add 5 drops of 2M hydrochloric acid and warm the mixture.
Observation                                                      Inference
                                                1 mark                                                              1 mark

Agriculture Paper1 - 2021 K.C.SE Prediction Set 1

Section A (30 MARKS)

Answer ALL questions in this section.

1. Give four methods of applying fertilizers to crops. (2 marks)

2. State four beneficial biotic factors that influence agriculture. (2 marks)

3. Give four branches of Agriculture. (2 marks)

4. State four advantages of co-operative land tenure system. (2 marks)

5. State four benefits of organic mulch in crop production. (2 marks)

6. State four conditions under which shifting cultivation is practiced. (2 marks)

7. Give four effects of mass wasting. (2 marks)

8. Give four factors that affect the rooting of cuttings. (2 marks)

9. Name four details that are included in a farm marketing record. (2 marks)

10. Give four examples of product-product relationships in the management of agricultural enterprises. (2 marks)

11. State three entries that are made in a journal.(1½ marks)

12. Give two reasons for cutting back pyrethrum. (1 mark)

13. State three parameters used to indicate national development. (1½ mark)

14. State four symptoms of viral diseases in crops. (2 marks)

15. Give four reasons for draining land as part of land reclamation. (2 marks)

16. State two reasons for topping a pasture. (1 mark)

17. State two advantages of metal pipes over plastic pipes in piping water in the farm. (1 mark)

Section B (30 MARKS)

Answer ALL questions in this section.

18. Study the following weeds and answer questions that follow.

a. Give the identity of weeds J and K. (2 marks)

b. What makes weed K difficult to control? (1 mark)

c. Give the economic importance of weed J. (1 mark)

d. State one reason that makes weeds excellently adapted to various environments. (1 mark)

19. Study the diagram below of a method of compost making and answer the questions that follow.

a. Identify the methods of compost making. (1 mark)

b. State four factors to consider when siting the structure. (2 marks)

c. What is the function of the following materials in preparation of compost manure i. Top soil (1 mark)

ii. Wood ash (1 mark)

20. Two maize pests are shown in the diagram below. Study them and answer questions that follow.

a. Identify the pests in the diagram labeled A and B. (1 mark)

b. At what stage of maize production does each pest damage the crop? (2 marks)

c. Give one way of controlling each of the pests in the field. (2 marks)

21. The diagram below represents a vegetative material used to prepare a certain crop. Study them and answer the questions that follow.

i. Give the name of the material illustrated above. (1 mark)

ii. Give the name of the preparation done on the material to make it ready for planting. (1 mark

iii. State three advantages of carrying out the practice in (ii) above before planting. (3 marks)

Section C (40 MARKS)

Answer ANY TWO questions from this section in the spaces provided

22. a. Describe the growing of dry bean seeds under the following subheadings. - Selection and preparation of planting materials (3 marks)

- Planting (4 marks)

- Weeding (3 marks)

b. Describe the environmental conditions that may lead to low crop yields. (10 marks)

23. a. Explain six factors considered in designing a crop rotation programme. (6 marks)

b. Explain the factors that influence the type of irrigation to be used in a farm. (8 marks)

c. Explain six post-harvest practiced carried out on production of maize. (6 marks)

24. a. Explain five advantages of budgeting in farming. (10 marks)

b. Explain five various types of risks and uncertainties. (5 marks)

c. Describe the importance of pruning perennial crops. (5 marks)

Agriculture Paper 2 - 2021 K.C.SE Prediction Set 1


Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.

1. Give three factors that affect the quality of honey. (1½ marks)

2. State three conditions that make a cow to withhold milk during milking. (1½ marks)

3. State four signs of furrowing observed in pigs. (2 marks) 4. Give three factors that may make birds to lay eggs on the floor in a deep litter. (1½ marks)

5. Give three characteristics of clean and high quality milk. (1½ marks)

6. Outline four control measures of round worms. (2 marks)

7. State four signs of liver fluke infestation in cattle. (2 marks)

8. Give four reasons of breeding in cattle. (2 marks)

9. List four methods of preserving fish. (2 marks)

10. Name two classes of livestock feedstuffs. (1 mark)

11. Give two roles of ovaries in cows' reproductive system. (1 mark)

12. Give two reasons for flushing in sheep. (1 mark)

13. Give four reasons for treating timber used in construction of farm buildings. (2 marks)

14. State four factors that influence the daily water intake in an animal. (2 marks)

15. Name two functions of a clutch in the tractors transmission system. (1 mark)

16. Give four characteristics of a good calf pen. (2 marks)

17. State four factors that influence the choice of the poultry system of rearing to use. (2 marks)

18. State four routine management practices carried out on a replacement stock that is a heifer. (2 marks)

Section B (20 MARKS)

Answer ALL questions in this section in the spaces provided.

19. The diagram below is a cross section of part of a cow's udder.

a. Name the parts marked A, B, C and D. (2 marks)

b. Name two hormones that control milk let down in a dairy cow. (2 marks)

c. What is a dry cow therapy? (1 mark)

20. The diagram below shows the head of a chicken having symptoms of a poultry disease

a. Identify the disease. (1 mark)

b. Give two reasons why the disease is of economic importance. (2 marks)

c. Outline two methods of controlling the above disease. (2 marks)

21. The following diagram shows parts of a roof. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow.

a. Name the parts labeled P, Q, R and S. (2 marks)

b. State the functions of P and Q. (2 marks)

c. Give two chemical preservatives for treating timber before use in the construction of farm structures. (2 marks)

22. Below is a diagram of power transmission system of tractor engine. Study it and answer the question that follows.

a. Name the parts labeled E, F, G and H. (2 marks)

b. State the functions of E and H. (2 marks)

Section C (40 MARKS)

Answer ANY TWO questions from this section.

23. a. Describe five pre-disposing factors of livestock diseases. (5 marks)

b. Describe six mechanical methods of controlling ticks. (6 marks)

c. Describe the factors that affect milk composition of a cow. (9 marks)

24. a. State five advantages of farm mechanization. (5 marks)

b. Explain five advantages of using a mould board plough in seed bed preparation. (5 marks)

c. Describe the use of various materials in construction of a Kenya Top bar hive. (5 marks)

d. Outline the care and maintenance of a tractor water cooling system. (5 marks)

25. a. State four physical characteristics of a dairy cow. (4 marks)

b. State nine factors to consider when selecting livestock for breeding. (9 marks)

c. Describe milk fever in dairy cattle under the following sub-headings.

i. The cause of the disease (1 mark)

ii. Symptoms of the disease (4 marks)

iii. Control measures (2 marks)

Biology Paper 1 - 2021 K.C.SE Prediction Set 1

1. Name the reagent used for testing presence of (3 marks)

a. Starch

b. Reducing sugars

c. Vitamin c

2. State the processes which occur in each of the following organelles. (2 marks)

a. Chloroplast

b. Mitochondrion

c. Ribosomes

3. A student observed a specimen through a light microscope. He used the objective lens marked

X40.If he indicated the magnification of the image as x 400, what was the eye - piece magnification? (Show your working). (3 marks) 4. State the function of the following in mammalian trachea. (3 marks)

a. Rings of cartilage

b. Mucus

c. Cilia

5. a. What do you understand by the term biological control? (1 mark)

b. Explain why all the energy produced by producers does not flow to the tertiary consumers. (2marks)

6. Name any three forces that maintain the transpiration stream (3 marks)

7. Give the form in which the following gases are transported in blood. (3 marks)

a. Oxygen

b. Carbon (IV) oxide

c. Carbon (II) oxide

8. a. Name the main group of organisms which comprise the Kingdom Monera. ( 1mark)

b. State any three ways in which the organisms named in 8 (a) above affect human lives. (3marks)

c. State the main characteristics of Monera which distinguish it from all other kingdoms. (1 mark)

9. State ways in which the xylem tissue is adapted to carry out its function. ( 3marks)

10. Why is it necessary for an athlete to breathe heavily after running? ( 2 marks)

11. State ways in which the following diseases can be prevented a. Typhoid and amoebic dysentery (2 marks)

b. Malaria (2 marks)

12. What are the three distinguishing features of phylum Arthropoda? (3marks)

13. a. Name the main product of the dark stage of photosynthesis. ( 1mark)

b. What is the role of chlorophyll during photosynthesis (2mark)

14. Name three mechanisms that prevent self-pollination in flowers that have both male and female parts. (3 marks)

15. State three applications of anaerobic respiration. (3 marks)

16. What is the significance of highly folded inner membrane of a mitochondrion? (2 marks)

17. Why is it necessary for blood from the gut to pass through the liver before joining general circulation? (2 marks)

18. A person's urine tested positive for reducing sugars. a. Name the type of sugar present in the urine. ( 1mark)

b. Name the gland and the hormone which failed to control the above condition. ( 2marks)

Gland................................. Hormone........................... c. Which disease was the person suffering from? ( 1mark)

19. State two roles played by the process of reproduction. ( 2marks)

20. What is the habitat of the following plants? ( 3marks)

a. Xerophytes

b. Hydrophytes

c. Halophytes

21. a. State ways in which molars are adapted to their functions. ( 2marks)

b. Name any two dental diseases. (2 marks)

22. How is the sperm cell adapted to carry out its function? (3 marks)

23. The following are diagrams of two pollen grains.

a. State one observable difference between K and L. (1 mark)

b. State the agent of pollination for each of them. (2 marks)



24. How do sunken stomata reduce transpiration? ( 2 marks)

25. Give the classes to which the following animals belong. ( 3 marks)

a. Human being

b. House fly

c. Spider

26. a. State one event that occurs in prophase of meiosis I which does not occur in prophase of mitosis. (1 mark)

b. What are the results of the above phenomena? (2 marks)

27. Explain why growing grass die a few days when salt is sprinkled on it. (3 marks)

Biology Paper 2 - 2021 K.C.SE Prediction Set 1

1. a. What is meant by the following terms?

i. Protandry ( 1mark)

ii. Self sterility ( 1mark)

b. The diagram below shows a stage during fertilization in a plant.

i. Name the parts labelled Q,R and S (3 marks)




ii. State two functions of the pollen tube (2 marks)

iii. On the diagram label the microphyle. (1mark)

2. a. Explain what happens to excess amino acids in the liver of humans. (3marks)

b. Which portions of the human nephron are only found in the cortex? (3 marks)

c. i. What would happen if a person produced less antidiuretic hormone? (1 mark)

ii. What term is given to the condition described in C (i) above? (1mark)

3. a. i. What is meant by the term biological control? (1mark)

ii. Give an example of biological control. (1mark)

b. i. What is eutrophication? (3marks)

ii. What are the effects of eutrophication? (3 marks)

c. Name a substance that is responsible for acid rain. (1mark)

4. Leaves are the organs of photosynthesis. The following diagram shows what happens in a plant leaf during photosynthesis.

a. Give two ways in which leaves are adapted to absorb light. (2 marks)

b. Name the gases labelled X and Y. ( 2marks)



c. Name the tissue which transport:

i. Water in to the leaf. ( 1 mark)

ii. Sugars out of the leaf. (1 mark)

d. Explain why it is an advantage for the plant to store carbohydrates as starch rather than as sugars. (2marks)

5. Some millet seeds were socked in water for two days. They were then broken into small pieces and placed on the surface of agar containing starch. After two days it was found that the agar no longer contained starch. a. Suggest how the test for starch in the agar was carried out. (1 mark)

b. Explain why there was no starch in the agar after two days. (2marks)

c. Why was it necessary to soak the seeds? (1mark)

d. Why were the millet seeds broken into small pieces? (1mark)

e. State the observation that would be made if the seeds had been soaked in boiling water? ( 1mark) f. Suggest a control experiment that would have been suitable. ( 2marks)

SECTION B: Answer question 6 (compulsory) and either question 7 or 8 in the spaces provided after question 8

6. A research was carried to determine the trend of growth of some boys and girls.Their average mass in kilograms was taken separately for a period of 20 years and tabulated as shown in the table below.

Age Average mass of boys (kg) Average mass of girls (kg)

0 2.5 2.5

2 11.5 11.5

4 15.0 16.0

6 18.5 19.3

8 22.1 27.1

10 25.1 27.1

12 27.5 30.5

14 37.0 35.5

16 44.0 44.0

18 46.9 52.0

20 48.5 55

a. On the same axis draw a graph of the average mass of the girls and boys against age. (7marks)

b. From the graph , determine the;-

i. Mass of boys at the age of 11 years. (1 mark)

ii. Growth rate of girls between ages 13 and 15. ( 3 marks)

c. Account for the change in the mass of girls during the age stated in (ii) above. (2 marks)

d. Explain the trend observed in the curves for both boys and girls. ( 2 marks)

e. Why do girls above 10 years require in take of food that is richer in iron than boys of the same age? (2 marks)

f. Apart from using average mass to estimate growth in human beings, name two other parameters that can be used. (2 marks)

7. Describe how the various parts of the human digestive system are adapted to their functions. (20 marks)

8. a. State the causes of air pollution. (5 marks)

b. State how air pollutants affect organisms hence state how air pollution should be controlled. (15 marks)

Biology Paper 3 - 2021 K.C.SE Prediction Set 1

1. a. You are provided with a solution L. Using the reagents provided; determine the food compounds in L. Fill in the table below.

Starch To 2cm3 of solution L
add drops of iodine
Colour turns brown
/yellow 1⁄2 mk
Starch absent 1⁄2 mk
Reducing sugar To 2cm3 of solution L
,add benedicts
solution and boil 1
Colour changes from
blue to green to
yellow/orange 1⁄2 mk
Reducing sugars
present 1⁄2 mk
proteins To 2cm3 of solution L
add 3 drops of NaOH
followed by drops of
CuSO4 and shake 1mk
solution remains blue
1⁄2 mk
Protein absent 1⁄2 mk
Ascorbic acid
(vitamin c)
To 2cm3 of solution
DCPIP add solution L
dropwise shaking till in
excess 1mk
DCPIP decolourised 1⁄2
Vitamin C /Ascorbic
acid present 1⁄2 mk
b. Place 10mls of solution L in a visking tubing. Tie both ends and place it in 50mls of distilled water contained in a beaker.leave the set up for 20 minutes and make observations. i. Observations. (1mark)

solution in the visking tubing increases in volume ii. Account for the observation in b (i) above. (2marks)

Water moves by osmosis; in the visking tubing due to the high osmotic pressure of the solution in the visking tubing iii. Give the equivalent of a visking in the bodies of living organisms. (1mark)

Cell membrane/plasma membrane/plasmalema 2. Study the photomicrograph of the longitudinal section of a maize fruit below and answer the questions that follow.

a. i. Name the parts labelled A, B, C and D. (4marks)

A – Endosperm

B – Radicle

C - Plumule D – Plumule sheath/coleoptile

ii. Give the role played by A and D. (2 marks)

A - stores food for the embryo; D - protects the delicate plumule from mechanical damage;

b. i. Name the type of germination exhibited by maize grain. ( 1 mark)

hypogeal; < b>ii. Place the organisms from where the photomicrograph was obtained into its Kingdom Division Class (3marks)

Kingdom – Plantae; Rej plant

Division – spermatophyte

Class –Monocotyledonae; rej monocot/monocotyledon

iii. State three characteristics of members of the class identified in b (ii) above (3marks

Sheath like petiole; Mark first three

c. Give one reason why the maize grain is classified as a fruit. (1mark)

Has two scars; 3. Study the organisms drawn below and answer the questions that follow.

a. Use the dichotomous key below to identify the class the organisms belong to. (12 marks)

a. a. Phylum Chordata ............................................................... go to 2

b. Phylum arthropoda ............................................................. go to 3


a. Has scales on the body ......................................................... go to 4

b. Has no scales on the body ..................................................... Mammalia c. a. Has cephalothorax .............................................................. Arachnida b. Has no cephalothorax .......................................................... go to 5 d.

a. Has fins ........................................................................... Pisces

b. Has no fins ........................................................................ go to 7

e. a. Has three pairs of legs .......................................................... Insecta b. Has more than three pairs of legs ............................................. go to 6 f. a. Two pairs of legs per segment ................................................ Diplopoda b. One pairs of legs per segment ................................................. Chilopoda g.

a. Has feathers ...................................................................... Aves b. Has no feathers .................................................................. go to 8 h.

a. Has a tail .......................................................................... Reptilia

b. Has no tail ....................................................................... Amphibia

Specimen Step followed Identity







Specimen          Steps         Identity
         A 1b,3a; Arachnida
B 1a,2a,4a; Pisces
C 1b,2b,5b,6b; Chilopoda
D 1a,2a,4b,7b,8a Reptilia
       E 1a,2a,4b,7a; Aves
       F 1b,3b,5a; Insecta
b. If the actual length from the tip of the mouth to the tip of the tail of the specimen B is 100mm, calculate the magnification. (2marks)

b. Magnification = Diagram length/ Actual length = 50mm/100mm;

= ×1⁄2 or ×0.5;

Geography Paper 1 Questions and Answers - 2021 K.C.SE Prediction Set 1

1.a. Three ways how air pressure influences weather

Polar winds (Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks)

2.a. Chemically formed sedimentary rocks

Gypsum / Haematite / Trona

b. Conditions necessary for formation of coral

Submerged conditions even at low tides (Any 3 x 1 =3 marks)

3.a. Two theories that explain the origin of the earth

Nebula cloud theory

b. Three proofs that the earth is oblate spheroid

Through a telescope other planets have shown a spherical shape and the earth being one of the planets should be spherical (Any 3 x 1 = 3 marks)

4.a. Categories of lakes formed by earth movement

Rift valley lakes – Lake Nakuru, Lake Baringo, Lake Bogoria (2 marks)

b. Examples from East Africa

Rift valley lakes – Lake Nakuru, Lake Baringo, Lake Bogoria (Any 2 x 1⁄2 = 1 mark)

5.a. Definition of hydrological cycle

It is the interchange of water between land, sea and air through the process of evaporation, precipitation and percolation of water into the ground and the surface run-off (2 marks)

b. Factors that determine the amount of water that sinks into the ground or flows on the surface

The underlying geological structure (4 marks)

6.a.i. Identify two human made features found at the grid square 2320

All weather road loose surface (2 marks)

ii. What is the altitude of the highest point in the area covered by the map?

2362 metres a.s.l (2 marks)

iii. Three types of vegetation found in the area east of easting 40 and north of northing 27

Thicket (Any 3 x 1 = 3 marks)

b.i. Bearing of air photo principle point at grid square 2931 form the air photo principle point at grid square 3426

- 318 ± 1 (317o

– 319o (2 marks)

ii. Measure the distance of the dry weather road (C640) form the junction at point M(345142) to the junction at N(416200)give your answer in kilometres

- 1 km ± 0.1 (12.0 – 12.2 km) (2 marks)

c.i. Draw a rectangle measuring 3 cm by 4 cm to represent area bounded by easting's 28 and 31 and northing's 11 and 15

ii. On the rectangle draw, mark and name the following;

Pond (4 marks)

d.i. Identify four social services offered in Kitale Municipality

Health services – hospital grid square 2312 (Any 4 x 1 )= 4 marks

ii. Describe the drainages of the area covered by the map

Many rivers disappear into the swamps e.g. grid square 2520

7. Use the map below to answer questions (a) and (b)

a. Name; i. The type of climate found in the shaded area marked Q. (1 mark)

a.i. Polar / cold climate (1 mark)

ii. Ocean currents marked R and S

R – Canary ocean current

S – Gulf stream (2 marks)

b. Characteristics of the climate marked T

Rainfall is mainly convectional type usually accompanied by thunderstorms; highlands experience relief / orographic rainfall (Any 4 x 2 = 8 marks)

c. How the following factors influence climate i. Altitude

Atmospheric pressure decreases with increase in altitude. This is due to the weight of atmospheric air above highlands being less than in lowlands (4 marks

ii. Distance from the sea

Coastal land receives more rainfall than the interior of continents. This is due to the coats receiving moist winds from the sea but by the time the winds reach inland areas they are usually dry (4 marks)

d.i. Effects of climate change to the physical environment

Ice will melt leaving the mountain tops bear (Any 2 x 2 = 4 marks)

ii. Climatical conditions experienced in the Sahara desert

Sudden rainfall (Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks)

8.a.i. Factors that influence glacial erosion

6 – Fluvial glacial deposits (6 marks)

b. Ways in which tills are formed at the coast

It is a large boulder of rock layer which has been transported by a glacier and hence rests on a country rock that is very different form its own origin

ii. Examples of erratic's

Question based (2 marks)

ii. Problems the researcher would have experienced

Sand blown by the wind would also reduce smooth running of the researcher (Any 2 x 1 =2 marks)

9.a. What is natural vegetation?

Is the plant cover that exists on its own in an area without the interference of external modifying influences like people and animals (Any 1 x 2 = 2 marks)

b.i. Types of vegetation found in the following countries

South Africa – Veld (3 marks)

ii. State two factors why mountain tops have no vegetation

Precipitation / water is in the frozen state (Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks)

c.i. Explain four ways in which coniferous forest is adapted to the climate conditions

Trees have thick barks with a slot of resin which protects them from frost (Any 4 x 2 = 8 marks)

ii. Explain how two following factors influence the distribution of vegetation; Altitude

Human beings influence vegetation positively through afforestation and negatively through felling of trees and burning of charcoal (2 marks)

d.i. State four reasons why it is necessary to have a route map

Identifying the location of different tree types (Any 4 x 1 = 4 marks)

ii. Give two reasons you need a tape measure

To measure the width and length of identified area of the forest/area of the section identified (2 marks)

10.a.i. What is soil?

Soil is the uppermost surface layer of loose or unconsolidated material which overlies the crucial rocks and on which plants grow (2 marks)

ii. Three components of soils

Organic matter / humus inorganic matter / minerals (Any 3 x 1 = 3 marks)

b.i. Soil layers marked B, C, and D

D – Bedrock (3 marks)

ii. Two main processes of formation of soil in horizon A


Leaching (2 marks)

iii. Characteristics of soil in horizon B

Calcium carbonate / gypsum is present (Any 4 x 1 = 4 marks)

c. Explain how the following helps in the maintenance of soil fertility and quality Crop rotation

Growing of different types of crops on the same piece of land prevents soil exhaustion since different crops require different nutrients form the soil hence soil fertility in improved (2 marks)

Mixed farming

Keeping of animals and growing of crops in the same piece of land improves the fertility of the soil. This is because manure form the animals is used to enrich the soil with minerals (2 marks)

Bush fallowing

When land is cultivated for some time and left to rest for a given period it improves the quality of soil in that the land regains its fertility during the period of rest (2 marks)

d. State five uses of soils to human activities

Some soils are directly used as food (Any 5 x 1 = 5 marks)

Geography Paper 2 Questions and Answers - 2021 K.C.SE Prediction Set 1

1.a. Two underground mining methods

Drilling mining (Any 2 x 1) = 2 marks

b. Negative effects of mining on the environment

Encourages mass wasting

Pits left after mining are filled with water that form breeding ground for mosquitoes Leads to disruption of water table (Any 3 x 1 = 3 marks)

2.a. List down three human factors that favour wildlife conservation

Establishment of KWS (Any 3 x 1 = 3 marks)

b. State two advantages of domestic tourism

Creates to the citizens a sense of responsibility to conservation (Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks)

3.a. What is floods?

Floods are unusual covering of an area by water through a temporary rise of the level of a river lake or sea (Any 1 x 2 = 2 marks)

b. Three rivers that cause large scale flood in Kenya

River Kuja (Any 3 x 1 = 3 marks)

4.a. Define the following terms

i. Fertility rate

It is the total number of children / births that a woman would have between the ages of 15 – 49 years (1 x 1 = 1 mark)

ii. Mortality rate

This is the average number of deaths per 1000 in a given population (1 x 1 = 1 mark)

b. Types of information that may be derived from an age sex pyramid

Life expectancy (Any 3 x 1 = 3 marks)

5.a. Towns marked

P – Tanga

Q – Arusha

R – Dodoma (3 x 1 = 3 marks)

b. Two major functions of the town marked S

Mainly an agricultural collection centre Industrial centre with too many light industries Administrative centre (Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks)


Answer question 6 and any other two questions from this section

6.The table below shows the value of export crops from Kenya in the year 1995.

Crop / Year 1995
Maize 224,000,000
Coffee 168,000,000
Tea 320,000,000
Horticultural 190,000,000
Total 902,000,000

ii. State three advantages of divided rectangles
Get more notes and past papers at glance (Any 3 x 1 = 3 marks)

b. State four physical conditions that favour coffee growing in Kenya highlands

Well sheltered against strong sunlight (Any 4 x 1 = 4 marks)

c. Processing of coffee form harvesting to marketing

The dry beans are then forwarded to coffee board for marketing NB: Sequence must be followed (6 x 1 = 6 marks)

d. List three ways in which planted coffee is taken care by farmers

Pruning to regulate quality (Any 3 x 1 = 3 marks)

7.a.i. Identify the irrigation schemes marked X, Y and Z and in each case the main crop grown

X – Bunyala – Rice

Y – Perkerra – Onions

Z – Mwea Tebere – Rice Irrigation schemes 3 x 1 = 3 marks Crops 3 x 1 = 3 marks

ii. Explain four factors that have led to the location of irrigation scheme Y

The area was sparsely populated hence reduced expenses of resettlement of people (Any 4 x 2 = 8 marks)

iii. State four problems experienced in the irrigation project marked Z

Clogging of the canals by water weeds (Any 4 x 1 = 4 marks)

b. What is a polder?

It is a reclaimed piece of land form the sea in the Netherlands (1 x 2 = 2 marks)

c. Give five benefits of the Zuyder Zee project

Reclaimed areas are used for settlement, recreation and construction of industries (Any 5 x 1 = 5 marks)

8.a.i. The two types of fishing grounds in Kenya

Inland / fresh water fishing grounds (2 x 1 = 2 marks)

ii. Give two types of fishing methods

Freshwater fishing (Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks)

.iii. Four reasons why marine fishing industry is not well developed in east Africa

Rough sea wave limiting deep sea fishing (Any 4 x 1 = 4 marks)

b. Explain four ways in which marine fisheries are being conserved in Kenya

Licensing fishermen to control their number and ensure that there is no overfishing Restricting fishing to specific season to allow for breeding and maturing of fishing

ensuring natural regeneration of fish (Any 4 x 2 = 8 marks)

c.i. Methods of fishing used in the shaded area
Trap method (Any 1 x 1 =1 mark)

ii. Name ocean currents marked Q and R

Q – Warm Gulf Stream

R – Cold Labrador (Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks)

d. Explain why major fishing grounds of the world are located in the temperate latitudes of the northern hemisphere

The large population in these areas provide a ready market for fish hence promoting the fishing industry (Any 3 x 2 = 6 marks)

9.a. Distinguish between manufacturing and tertiary industries Manufacturing industries change raw materials into semi-finished / processed products while tertiary industries provide services (1 x 2 = 2 marks)

b.i. Name four agricultural food processing industries in Kenya

Meat processing / canning (Any 4 x 1 = 4 marks)

ii. Explain four factors that influenced the location of the iron and steel industries in the Ruhr region of Germany

Dense population of central Europe / Germany provided ready market for iron and steel (Any 4 x 2 = 8 marks)

c. Give five reasons why the government of Kenya encourages the development of Jua Kali industries

It operates at grassroots level these use locally available skills (Any 5 x 1 = 5 marks)

d. Field study in a coffee factory near your school

i. State three reasons why you would visit the area of study in advance

To determine appropriate tools for the study (Any 3 x 1 = 3 marks)

ii. You have prepared a work schedule for the study, state three items you would include in your schedule

Time for end of the study (Any 3 x 1 = 3 marks)

10.a. Draw an outline map of Kenya

b. On the map indicate

i. Kakamega forest

ii. Mt. Kenya forest

iii. Arabuka sokoko forest

c.i. Natural causes of forest depletion

Adverse climatic conditions such as drought or floods destroy sections of the forests (Any 4 x 2 = 8 marks)

d.i. State three factors favouring production of soft wood forests in Canada

Valley bottoms provide suitable sites for paper mills (Any 3 x 1 = 3 marks)

ii. Explain three reasons why the Kenyan government should conserve her forests

Forests and its products have medicinal value which helps treat a variety of diseases (Any 2 x 2 = 6 marks)

History Paper 1 Questions and Answers - 2021 K.C.S.E Prediction Set 1 Section A (25 MARKS)

1.Name the branch of history that deals with traditions, values and cultural practices of people.

Social history

2.Name the only southern Cushites group remaining in Kenya.


3.Give two age sets among the Nandi in the pre-colonial period.


4.Apart from Vasco de gamma, name two other Portuguese generals who conquered the East African Coast.

Padro Alveres Cabral.

5.State the main way through which one qualifies to be a Kenyan citizen by their birth. If on the day of birth either the mother or the father of the person was or is a citizen. 6.Give one economic factor that promotes national unity in Kenya.

Use of common currency

7.State two functions of a constitution.

It spells out the rights and duties of all citizens.

8.What is direct or pure democracy?

People are involved directly in laws making

9.Apart from the Nandi, which other two communities resisted British invasion in Kenya.


10.Who introduced settler farming in Kenya.

Lord Delamere

11.Name two nationalists outside central Kenya who were detained at Kapenguria in 1952.

Achieng Oneko

12.Give the main political challenge that faced Mzee Jomo Kenyatta immediately after independence.

Achieng Oneko and Bildada Kagia who broke from KANU and formed Kenya peoples union in 1966.

13.State two electoral offences that are applicable to a voter.

Double registration as a votes

14.Mention the document in which African socialism as a national philosophy was expounded.

Sessional paper number 10 of 1965

15.State two ways through which the government has encouraged the preservation of African culture since independence.

Allowing the media houses to play traditional music.

16.Name two members of the county executive committee.

Members appointed by the county governor with approval of the assembly who are not members of the assembly.

17.Give the main function of the commission on revenue allocation in Kenya.

To ensure equitable sharing of revenue between national and county government.


Answer three questions only from this section.

18.a.State five results of the settlement of Luo during pre-colonial period.

Increased borrowing of political leadership e.g. chieftainship

b.Describe the social organization of the Maasai in the 19th

They Eunoto ceremony marked the graduation of junior elders.

a.State five reasons why the Portuguese built Fort Jesus in 1593.

Acted as a base for sending expeditions against opponents

b.Explain five results of the coming of Christian missionaries to Kenya.

Helped to improve transport system-connection routes.

20.a.State three roles of Mekatilili wa Menza in the Agiriama resistance against the British.

Her leadership enlightened the roles of women in the struggle for independence.

.Explain six effects of the Wanga collaboration against invasion in western Kenya.

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21.a.State five factors that prompted the colonial government to construct the Kenya –Uganda railway.

To link Uganda with the Coast and outside world for greater economic growth.

b.Explain five factors that intensified African Nationalism in Kenya after 1945.

It must be representative of the diversity of social and political spectrum of the people.

b.Explain five reasons why human rights are important in Kenya.

Respect for rights limits internal and external conflicts.

24.a.State three ways in which the High court supervises the work of the subordinate courts.

Supervises criminal and civil proceedings before subordinate court.

b.Explain six functions of the cabinet in Kenya.

Cabinet secretaries on their individual capacity give direction to operations within their ministries.

HISTORY PAPER 2 Marking Scheme - 2021 K.C.SE Prediction Set 1 SECTION A (25 MARKS)

Answer all questions from this section.

1.Give two disadvantages of using electronic sources to study history and government.

Some actual films maybe exaggerated

2.Who was the architect of the theory of Evolution.

Charles Darwin

3.Mention one river associated with early agriculture in Mesopotamia.


4.Give two roles of the takshifs during the Trans-Sharan trade.

Guided the traders across the resort

5.What is the main limitation of use of airships in transport.

Can easily catch fire from the hydrogen bags that makes them airborne.

6.Give two disadvantages of use of radio.

Some programmes promote immorality.

7.State two political effects of industrial revolution in Europe.

The industrial revolution gave rise to maxim which condemned capitalism because of its exploitative effects.

8.Identify the main factor that contributed to the growth of Athens in ancient Greece.

Trade/commercial activities.

9.Name the main symbol of unity among the shona in the 19th Century.

Religion (Mwari cult).

10.State two ways in which the partition of Africa affected Europeans.

Led to economic growth of European countries.

11.What was the name of the company that administered Zimbambwe on behalf of Britain?

British south African company (BSAC) Nb: Reject if abbreviated!

12.Apart from Nelson Mandela, mention any other Nationalist in South Africa.

Albert Luthuli

13.Identify two reasons why united states of America was reluctant to join the First World War on the side of Allies.

She did not want the war to be fought on her soil

14.Give two specialized agencies of the United Nations which deals with provision of loans to member countries.

The international monetary fund (IMF)

15.Identify two organs of economic community of west African states (ECOWAS)

Specialized commissions.

16.Identify the main principal of the Arusha declaration of 1967.

Ujamaa (Socialism)

17.Give one major political party in India.

Bharatiya Janata Party


Answer any three questions only from this section.

18.a.What three challenges did the early man face as he lived in caves.

Caves were exposed to cold/winds/floods.

b.Explain six effects of development of early agriculture in Egypt.

Led to development of social classes

19.a.State three factors that facilitated the acaulistion of slaves during the Trans- Saharan trade.

There was great demand for slaves in the new world.

b.Explain six factors that led to the decline of Trans-Saharan trade.

The establishment of commercial ports –traders now preferred to use water transport.

20.a.What five factors characterized industrialization in Britain.

Goods were produced in large-scale

b.Explain the problems facing industrialization in South Africa.

There were rampant industrial strikes in the country especially during the apartheid period.

21.a.Identify five factors that enabled Europeans to easily conquer Africa during the scramble.

Africa as they had discovered the cure for malaria.

The invention of steamships made the Europeans access Africa easily.

b.Explain five reasons why assimilation failed in Senegal.

The policy of assimilation made it impossible to exploit Africans.

SECTION C (30 MARKS) Answer any two questions from this section.

22.a.State five peace treaties signed between Allies and the central powers to bring peace in Europe.

Treaty with Triarion with Hungary Treaty of serros with Turkey (treaty of Lausanne)

b.Explain five social effects of World War II.

Loss of lives

23.a.State five reasons why pan Africanism became more active in Africa after 1945.

The slowing down of Pan-African in America due to cold war attracted the same in Africa.

b.Explain five functions of the United Nations Security Council.

Calls upon some or all members to provide or facilitate military action against aggressors

24.a.Mention three ways of becoming a member of parliament in Britain.

Virtue of office of members of the house of lords maintain their parliamentary seats through this way

b.Explain six functions of the president in USA.

It leads to employment / careers. 7 x 1 = 7 marks

b. Describe the second account of creation in Genesis 2:4b-25. (7mks)

They were naked but were not ashamed. 7 x 1 = 7 marks

c. Give six traditional African views of creation. (6mks)

African communities agree that God continues to create through humankind, and child bearing is regarded as a blessing from God. 6 x 1 = 6 marks

2.a. Describe the call of Moses in Exodus 3:1-22. (8 marks)

God promised to give favour to the Hebrews and would obtain jewelry, Gold and clothing. 8 x 1 = 8 marks

b. Give reasons why Moses was reluctant to go back to Egypt. (6 marks)

He may have been worried about the family he had established in the Midian. 6 x 1 = 6 marks

c. What do Christians learn about God from the call of Moses? (6 marks)

God is all knowing. 6 x 1 = 6 marks

3.a. Outline seven ways in which King Jeroboam promoted the spread of idolatry in Israel.

He instituted religious festivals in the month of his choice. 7 x 1 = 7 mks

b. Give seven reasons why Elijah was uncompromising in his attitude to the worship of Baal.

Being a prophet, Elijah was against baalism because his vocation was o turn people back to the covenant way. Any 7 x 1 = 7 mks

c. State six reasons why Christians should fight against the spread of devil worship in the society. (6 mks)

It instills fear on God's people. Any 6 x 1 = 6 mks

4.a. State six titles given to prophets in the Old Testament. (6mks)

A man of spirit. 6 x 1 = 6 marks

b. Explain the evils committed by four nations that were to be punished by God according to Prophet Amos. (8mks)

Moab – they raided the royal graves of Edom and burnt the bones of the dead kings, thus a rebellion against God's image in human beings. God will destroy them with divine fire. 4 x 2 = 8 marks

c. Mention six ways how Christians can avoid God's punishment today. (6mks)

By fellowshipping with other Christians/ going to church. 6 x 1 = 6 marks

5.a. Describe how the people of Judah renewed their covenant with God under the leadership of Ezra. (8 marks)

Nehemiah kept a record of the leaders who took residence in Jerusalem. 8 x 1 = 8 marks

b. Give five reasons why Nehemiah carried out religious reforms in Judah. (5 marks)

So as to build a pure post-exilic community not contaminated by foreign influences. 5x1= 5 marks

c. In what ways do Christians renew their covenant faith with God? (7 marks)

Helping the needy and the poor 7 x 1 = 7 marks

6.a. Identify seven occasions when prayers were conducted in Traditional African societies.

During installation of a leader. Any 7 x 1 = 7 mks

b. Outline seven roles of kinship system in traditional African society. (7 mks)

Provided members with a sense of belonging to a single community. Any 7 x 1 = 7 mks

c. What changes have taken place in property ownership in Traditional African communities.

He is kind/helper to his servant Israel. 7×1

b. Six activities that took place when Jesus was born

They spread the news about the baby to other people. 6×1

c. Seven ways through which Christians in Kenya express their joy for the birth of Jesus.

They prepare special meals/drinks 7×1

2.a. Giving examples state seven methods used by Jesus to spread the gospel.

Visited people in their homes. 7x1

b. Reasons why Jesus chose the twelve disciples.

To continue with the biblical theme 6x1

c. Identify problems faced by new converts in the church today

They are given duties which they cannot manage. 7 × 1

3.a. With reference to the life and ministry of Jesus, show how he tried to promote social equality

He restored the status of women. 7x1

b. With the story of the sinful woman as a reference, explain Jesus teachings on forgiveness

We should be tolerant to sinners 5x1

c. Give ways in which Christians engage themselves in the healing ministry

Taking care of the sick 8x1

4.a. Give seven reasons why Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to his disciples after ascension

He would enable the disciple to witness about Christ 7x1

b. List seven fruits of the Holy Spirit

Faithfulness 7x1

c. How are the gifts of the Holy Spirit manifested in the church today?

By composing of songs 6×1

5.a. Outline eight Christians teaching on work

Those who do not work should not eat. 8×1

b. Give six factors that causes increased unemployment in Kenya today

Poor job distribution 6×1

c. How does the church help to reduce the rate of unemployment in Kenya

Lead to strained relationship between government and people 6×1

b. Give reasons why Christians should not involve themselves in gambling

Led to poverty 7×1

c. How is corruption affecting the society in Kenya today?


2.Importance of entrepreneurship in a country

Enables formation of capital/wealth

3.Personal attributes of a secretary

Should be orderly in the he/she performs and organises his or her work

4.Circumstances under which a credit note is issued

Where a deserving discount is not allowed in the invoice

5.Challenges facing cooperative societies

May suffer from mismanagement/embezzlement of funds

6.Benefits of containeristaion

The information can be used for futur reference

8.Factors that may limit the effectiveness of a warehouse

Poor inventory control

9.Movement along a supply curve and shift of supply curve

Movement Shift
Only one supply curve involved Involves two supply curves
Caused by change in the price of a commodty Caused by other factors besides the prices
Is the quantity supplies that changes It is the supply that changes
A different quantity is supplied only at a
different price
A differnt quantity is supplied at the same price
as before
Can be traced up and dpwn the smae curve Cause the entire supply curve to move either to
the left or to the right
10.Effects of production activities on the envrionment
Noise poluution causing hearing problems

11.Monopoly vs monopolistic competition

Monopoly Monopolistic
Exists only one single seller Exists more than one firm/seller
No close substitutes Products are differentiated
Exercises full control of the market No single firm controls a significant proportion of
the total market
The firm is the price giver/setter A firm must exercise some caution before
changing the price
Demand curve steeply slopes from left to right The demand curve slopes gently from left to
12.Factors that influences the choice of distribution channels
Financial ability of the consumers

13.Limitations of using National income statistics to measure standard of living

Figures may not reflect depreciation/appreciation assets

14.State the efecct of each of the follwoing transactions on a balance sheet total. Use increase,decrease and No effect (4 mark)



c.No effect


15.The following information was extracted from Kariuki Enterprise for the month ended 31st Augsut 2015

Gross profits 24000

Total expenses 80000

Total revenue income 10% of sales

Mark up percentage 25%

Prepare a profit and loss Account for the months (4 mark)

16. Factors of demand for money

Can be tranferred form one person to another

18.Disadvantages of division of labor

If a few people stop working the whople production process stops

19.Advantages of government involvement in business activities

Promote investment in the country

20. Re-insurance circumstance

When the government policy makes it mandatory

21.i.Competitive advertising

Advertising which is aimed at convincing a customer to prefer a particular product

ii.Celebrity Advertising

Advertising where a famous person is used to endorse a product by identifying with it e.g Nameless(muscles) yego etc

22.The diagram below shows the relationship between population trend and income per head

i.Income per head/per capita income

ii.Optimum population

iii.Under population

iv.Over population

23.Give in statement from the business transactions in the accounts below (4 marks)

Jan 1: Business started with cash sh. 100000 as capital

2: Deposited cash from cash till o to the business account sh. 50,000

jan 8: Purchased stationery sh 10,000 and paid in cash

10: Purchased stationery worth shs. 4,000 and paid by cheque

24.In the spaces provided state the source document for each of the books of original entry (4 mark)

           Book of original entry              Source document
i.Cash receipt Journal
ii. Return inwards Journal
iii. Purchases Journal
iv. Sales Journal
Demand curve steeply slopes from left to right
25.The cost of consumer goods and services for a representative basket of an average family is given


i.Cash receipt

i.Outgoing credit note

iii.Incoming invoice/purchases invoice

iv.Outgoing invoice/sales invoice

Business Studies Paper 2 Questions and Answers - 2021 K.C.S.E

Prediction Set 1

1.a.Importance of trade within a country.

Promotes entrepreneural culture where succesful entrepreneurs acts as role model Widens market for goods/services where surplus is sold

b.Differences between a cooperative sociuety and a public company

Cooperative society Public company
Members welfare motivated Profit motivated
Serves members only Serves the general public
Minimum of 10 adults Minimum of 7 shareholders
One man one vote One share carries one vote
Co-operates with other cooperatives Compete with other companies
Governed by cooperative act Governed by company act
Has one class of shares Has several types of shares
Share not freely transferable Share are freely transferable
2.a.On 1st December 2015, Mumbi traders had shs. 125,000 in hand and a a bank overdraft of shs 97,000

During the month, the following transactions took place

Dec 2: Cash sale banked shs. 335,260

3: Bought goods in cash shs. 10,500

9: Paid Njeru a creditor shs. 190,000 by cheque in full settlement of his account after deducting 5% cash discount

13: Received a cheque for sh. 158,400 from Maro after allowing her a cash discount of shs. 1,600

16: Paid salaries shs. 36,000 in cash

24: Withdrew shs. 100,000 from bank for office use

29: Nyangau, a debtor paid her account of 175,000 by cheque less 10% cash discount

31: Deposited all the cash into bank except shs. 33,490

Required: Prepare a three column cash book and balance it off (10 marks)

b. Purpose of public finance
Establish finanacial policies on subsidies ensure government security/law/order

3.a.Reasons for which business should observe ethics practices

To avoid discrimination in business by giving equal opportunities to all

b.Factors that contribute to income disparity in Kenya

Disparity in natural resources endowmnet

4.a.Circumstances under which a manufacturer would prefer to sell his products direct to the consumer

Incase of small items e.g. small scale dairy farmer selling milk to neighbour

b.Need for development planning

Adoptability tool - give room for any changes/uncertainty

5.a.Explain five advantages of free trade

Promotes peace/understanding among countries through interaction of their citizens

b.Need for consumer protection

Protect them from dangers that may arise from the use of unsafe buildings

6.a. The following information ws extracted from the books of Sahara traders fro the year ended 30th April, 2013

Sales 480000
Opening stock 1/5/2012 80,000
Opening stock 30/4/2012 120,000
Gross profit margin 25%

b.Cause of population decline
NYS Recruitment

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Hindu Religious Education Paper 3 Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE History and Government Leakage 2022 KCSE History and Government Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE History and Government Paper 1 Leakage 2022 KCSE History and Government Paper 1 Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE History and Government Paper 2 Leakage 2022 KCSE History and Government Paper 2 Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE History and Government Paper 3 Leakage 2022 KCSE History and Government Paper 3 Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE Home Science Leakage 2022 KCSE Home Science Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE Home Science Paper 1 Leakage 2022 KCSE Home Science Paper 1 Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE Home Science Paper 2 Leakage 2022 KCSE Home Science Paper 2 Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE Home Science Paper 3 Leakage 2022 KCSE Home Science Paper 3 Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE HRE Leakage 2022 KCSE HRE Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE IRE Leakage 2022 KCSE IRE Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Leakage 2022 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 1 Leakage 2022 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 1 Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 2 Leakage 2022 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 2 Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 3 Leakage 2022 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 3 Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE Kiswahili Leakage 2022 KCSE Kiswahili Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 1 Leakage 2022 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 1 Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 2 Leakage 2022 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 2 Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 3 Leakage 2022 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 3 Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE Mathematics Leakage 2022 KCSE Mathematics Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE Mathematics Paper 1 Leakage 2022 KCSE Mathematics Paper 1 Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE Mathematics Paper 2 Leakage 2022 KCSE Mathematics Paper 2 Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE Mathematics Paper 3 Leakage 2022 KCSE Mathematics Paper 3 Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE Maths A Leakage 2022 KCSE Maths A Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE Maths B Leakage 2022 KCSE Maths B Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE Metalwork Leakage 2022 KCSE Metalwork Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE Music Leakage 2022 KCSE Music Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE Music Paper 1 Leakage 2022 KCSE Music Paper 1 Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE Music Paper 2 Leakage 2022 KCSE Music Paper 2 Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE Music Paper 3 Leakage 2022 KCSE Music Paper 3 Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE Physics Leakage 2022 KCSE Physics Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE Physics Paper 1 Leakage 2022 KCSE Physics Paper 1 Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE Physics Paper 2 Leakage 2022 KCSE Physics Paper 2 Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE Physics Paper 3 Leakage 2022 KCSE Physics Paper 3 Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE Power Mechanics Leakage 2022 KCSE Power Mechanics Leakage and Answers 2022 KCSE Woodwork Leakage 2022 KCSE Woodwork Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Agriculture Leakage 2021 KCSE Agriculture Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Agriculture Paper 1 Leakage 2021 KCSE Agriculture Paper 1 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 Leakage 2021 KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Agriculture Paper 3 Leakage 2021 KCSE Agriculture Paper 3 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Arabic Leakage 2021 KCSE Arabic Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Arabic Paper 1 Leakage 2021 KCSE Arabic Paper 1 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Arabic Paper 2 Leakage 2021 KCSE Arabic Paper 2 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Arabic Paper 3 Leakage 2021 KCSE Arabic Paper 3 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Art and Design Leakage 2021 KCSE Art and Design Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Art and Design Paper 1 Leakage 2021 KCSE Art and Design Paper 1 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Art and Design Paper 2 Leakage 2021 KCSE Art and Design Paper 2 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Art and Design Paper 3 Leakage 2021 KCSE Art and Design Paper 3 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Aviation Technology Leakage 2021 KCSE Aviation Technology Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Biology Leakage 2021 KCSE Biology Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Biology Paper 1 Leakage 2021 KCSE Biology Paper 1 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Biology Paper 2 Leakage 2021 KCSE Biology Paper 2 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Biology Paper 3 Leakage 2021 KCSE Biology Paper 3 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Building and Construction Leakage 2021 KCSE Building and Construction Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Business Studies Leakage 2021 KCSE Business Studies Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Business Studies Paper 1 Leakage 2021 KCSE Business Studies Paper 1 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Business Studies Paper 2 Leakage 2021 KCSE Business Studies Paper 2 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Business Studies Paper 3 Leakage 2021 KCSE Business Studies Paper 3 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Chemistry Leakage 2021 KCSE Chemistry Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Chemistry Paper 1 Leakage 2021 KCSE Chemistry Paper 1 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Chemistry Paper 2 Leakage 2021 KCSE Chemistry Paper 2 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Chemistry Paper 3 Leakage 2021 KCSE Chemistry Paper 3 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Christian Religious Education Leakage 2021 KCSE Christian Religious Education Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 1 Leakage 2021 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 1 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 2 Leakage 2021 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 2 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 3 Leakage 2021 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 3 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Computer Studies Leakage 2021 KCSE Computer Studies Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 1 Leakage 2021 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 1 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 2 Leakage 2021 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 2 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 3 Leakage 2021 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 3 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE CRE Leakage 2021 KCSE CRE Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Drawing and Design Leakage 2021 KCSE Drawing and Design Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Electricity Leakage 2021 KCSE Electricity Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE English Leakage 2021 KCSE English Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE English Paper 1 Leakage 2021 KCSE English Paper 1 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE English Paper 2 Leakage 2021 KCSE English Paper 2 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE English Paper 3 Leakage 2021 KCSE English Paper 3 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE French Leakage 2021 KCSE French Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE French Paper 1 Leakage 2021 KCSE French Paper 1 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE French Paper 2 Leakage 2021 KCSE French Paper 2 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE French Paper 3 Leakage 2021 KCSE French Paper 3 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE General Science Leakage 2021 KCSE General Science Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Geography Leakage 2021 KCSE Geography Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Geography Paper 1 Leakage 2021 KCSE Geography Paper 1 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Geography Paper 2 Leakage 2021 KCSE Geography Paper 2 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Geography Paper 3 Leakage 2021 KCSE Geography Paper 3 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE German Leakage 2021 KCSE German Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE German Paper 1 Leakage 2021 KCSE German Paper 1 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE German Paper 2 Leakage 2021 KCSE German Paper 2 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE German Paper 3 Leakage 2021 KCSE German Paper 3 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Leakage 2021 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 1 Leakage 2021 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 1 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 2 Leakage 2021 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 2 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 3 Leakage 2021 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 3 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE History and Government Leakage 2021 KCSE History and Government Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE History and Government Paper 1 Leakage 2021 KCSE History and Government Paper 1 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE History and Government Paper 2 Leakage 2021 KCSE History and Government Paper 2 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE History and Government Paper 3 Leakage 2021 KCSE History and Government Paper 3 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Home Science Leakage 2021 KCSE Home Science Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Home Science Paper 1 Leakage 2021 KCSE Home Science Paper 1 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Home Science Paper 2 Leakage 2021 KCSE Home Science Paper 2 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Home Science Paper 3 Leakage 2021 KCSE Home Science Paper 3 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE HRE Leakage 2021 KCSE HRE Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE IRE Leakage 2021 KCSE IRE Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Leakage 2021 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 1 Leakage 2021 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 1 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 2 Leakage 2021 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 2 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 3 Leakage 2021 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 3 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Kiswahili Leakage 2021 KCSE Kiswahili Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 1 Leakage 2021 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 1 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 2 Leakage 2021 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 2 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 3 Leakage 2021 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 3 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Mathematics Leakage 2021 KCSE Mathematics Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Mathematics Paper 1 Leakage 2021 KCSE Mathematics Paper 1 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Mathematics Paper 2 Leakage 2021 KCSE Mathematics Paper 2 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Mathematics Paper 3 Leakage 2021 KCSE Mathematics Paper 3 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Maths A Leakage 2021 KCSE Maths A Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Maths B Leakage 2021 KCSE Maths B Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Metalwork Leakage 2021 KCSE Metalwork Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Music Leakage 2021 KCSE Music Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Music Paper 1 Leakage 2021 KCSE Music Paper 1 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Music Paper 2 Leakage 2021 KCSE Music Paper 2 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Music Paper 3 Leakage 2021 KCSE Music Paper 3 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Physics Leakage 2021 KCSE Physics Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Physics Paper 1 Leakage 2021 KCSE Physics Paper 1 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Physics Paper 2 Leakage 2021 KCSE Physics Paper 2 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Physics Paper 3 Leakage 2021 KCSE Physics Paper 3 Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Power Mechanics Leakage 2021 KCSE Power Mechanics Leakage and Answers 2021 KCSE Woodwork Leakage 2021 KCSE Woodwork Leakage and Answers KCSE Agriculture 2022 Leakage KCSE Agriculture 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Agriculture 2021 Leakage KCSE Agriculture 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Agriculture Leakage KCSE Agriculture Leakage and Answers KCSE Agriculture Paper 1 2022 Leakage KCSE Agriculture Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Agriculture Paper 1 2021 Leakage KCSE Agriculture Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Agriculture Paper 1 Leakage KCSE Agriculture Paper 1 Leakage and Answers KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 2022 Leakage KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 2021 Leakage KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 Leakage KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 Leakage and Answers KCSE Agriculture Paper 3 2022 Leakage KCSE Agriculture Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Agriculture Paper 3 2021 Leakage KCSE Agriculture Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Agriculture Paper 3 Leakage KCSE Agriculture Paper 3 Leakage and Answers KCSE Arabic 2022 Leakage KCSE Arabic 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Arabic 2021 Leakage KCSE Arabic 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Arabic Leakage KCSE Arabic Leakage and Answers KCSE Arabic Paper 1 2022 Leakage KCSE Arabic Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Arabic Paper 1 2021 Leakage KCSE Arabic Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Arabic Paper 1 Leakage KCSE Arabic Paper 1 Leakage and Answers KCSE Arabic Paper 2 2022 Leakage KCSE Arabic Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Arabic Paper 2 2021 Leakage KCSE Arabic Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Arabic Paper 2 Leakage KCSE Arabic Paper 2 Leakage and Answers KCSE Arabic Paper 3 2022 Leakage KCSE Arabic Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Arabic Paper 3 2021 Leakage KCSE Arabic Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Arabic Paper 3 Leakage KCSE Arabic Paper 3 Leakage and Answers KCSE Art and Design 2022 Leakage KCSE Art and Design 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Art and Design 2021 Leakage KCSE Art and Design 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Art and Design Leakage KCSE Art and Design Leakage and Answers KCSE Art and Design Paper 1 2022 Leakage KCSE Art and Design Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Art and Design Paper 1 2021 Leakage KCSE Art and Design Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Art and Design Paper 1 Leakage KCSE Art and Design Paper 1 Leakage and Answers KCSE Art and Design Paper 2 2022 Leakage KCSE Art and Design Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Art and Design Paper 2 2021 Leakage KCSE Art and Design Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Art and Design Paper 2 Leakage KCSE Art and Design Paper 2 Leakage and Answers KCSE Art and Design Paper 3 2022 Leakage KCSE Art and Design Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Art and Design Paper 3 2021 Leakage KCSE Art and Design Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Art and Design Paper 3 Leakage KCSE Art and Design Paper 3 Leakage and Answers KCSE Aviation Technology 2022 Leakage KCSE Aviation Technology 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Aviation Technology 2021 Leakage KCSE Aviation Technology 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Aviation Technology Leakage KCSE Aviation Technology Leakage and Answers KCSE Biology 2022 Leakage KCSE Biology 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Biology 2021 Leakage KCSE Biology 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Biology Leakage KCSE Biology Leakage and Answers KCSE Biology Paper 1 2022 Leakage KCSE Biology Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Biology Paper 1 2021 Leakage KCSE Biology Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Biology Paper 1 Leakage KCSE Biology Paper 1 Leakage and Answers KCSE Biology Paper 2 2022 Leakage KCSE Biology Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Biology Paper 2 2021 Leakage KCSE Biology Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Biology Paper 2 Leakage KCSE Biology Paper 2 Leakage and Answers KCSE Biology Paper 3 2022 Leakage KCSE Biology Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Biology Paper 3 2021 Leakage KCSE Biology Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Biology Paper 3 Leakage KCSE Biology Paper 3 Leakage and Answers KCSE Building and Construction 2022 Leakage KCSE Building and Construction 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Building and Construction 2021 Leakage KCSE Building and Construction 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Building and Construction Leakage KCSE Building and Construction Leakage and Answers KCSE Business Studies 2022 Leakage KCSE Business Studies 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Business Studies 2021 Leakage KCSE Business Studies 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Business Studies Leakage KCSE Business Studies Leakage and Answers KCSE Business Studies Paper 1 2022 Leakage KCSE Business Studies Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Business Studies Paper 1 2021 Leakage KCSE Business Studies Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Business Studies Paper 1 Leakage KCSE Business Studies Paper 1 Leakage and Answers KCSE Business Studies Paper 2 2022 Leakage KCSE Business Studies Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Business Studies Paper 2 2021 Leakage KCSE Business Studies Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Business Studies Paper 2 Leakage KCSE Business Studies Paper 2 Leakage and Answers KCSE Business Studies Paper 3 2022 Leakage KCSE Business Studies Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Business Studies Paper 3 2021 Leakage KCSE Business Studies Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Business Studies Paper 3 Leakage KCSE Business Studies Paper 3 Leakage and Answers KCSE Chemistry 2022 Leakage KCSE Chemistry 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Chemistry 2021 Leakage KCSE Chemistry 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Chemistry Leakage KCSE Chemistry Leakage and Answers KCSE Chemistry Paper 1 2022 Leakage KCSE Chemistry Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Chemistry Paper 1 2021 Leakage KCSE Chemistry Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Chemistry Paper 1 Leakage KCSE Chemistry Paper 1 Leakage and Answers KCSE Chemistry Paper 2 2022 Leakage KCSE Chemistry Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Chemistry Paper 2 2021 Leakage KCSE Chemistry Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Chemistry Paper 2 Leakage KCSE Chemistry Paper 2 Leakage and Answers KCSE Chemistry Paper 3 2022 Leakage KCSE Chemistry Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Chemistry Paper 3 2021 Leakage KCSE Chemistry Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Chemistry Paper 3 Leakage KCSE Chemistry Paper 3 Leakage and Answers KCSE Christian Religious Education 2022 Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Christian Religious Education 2021 Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Christian Religious Education Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education Leakage and Answers KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 1 2022 Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 1 2021 Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 1 Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 1 Leakage and Answers KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 2 2022 Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 2 2021 Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 2 Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 2 Leakage and Answers KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 3 2022 Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 3 2021 Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 3 Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 3 Leakage and Answers KCSE Computer Studies 2022 Leakage KCSE Computer Studies 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Computer Studies 2021 Leakage KCSE Computer Studies 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Computer Studies Leakage KCSE Computer Studies Leakage and Answers KCSE Computer Studies Paper 1 2022 Leakage KCSE Computer Studies Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Computer Studies Paper 1 2021 Leakage KCSE Computer Studies Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Computer Studies Paper 1 Leakage KCSE Computer Studies Paper 1 Leakage and Answers KCSE Computer Studies Paper 2 2022 Leakage KCSE Computer Studies Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Computer Studies Paper 2 2021 Leakage KCSE Computer Studies Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Computer Studies Paper 2 Leakage KCSE Computer Studies Paper 2 Leakage and Answers KCSE Computer Studies Paper 3 2022 Leakage KCSE Computer Studies Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Computer Studies Paper 3 2021 Leakage KCSE Computer Studies Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Computer Studies Paper 3 Leakage KCSE Computer Studies Paper 3 Leakage and Answers KCSE CRE 2022 Leakage KCSE CRE 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE CRE 2021 Leakage KCSE CRE 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE CRE Leakage KCSE CRE Leakage and Answers KCSE Drawing and Design 2022 Leakage KCSE Drawing and Design 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Drawing and Design 2021 Leakage KCSE Drawing and Design 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Drawing and Design Leakage KCSE Drawing and Design Leakage and Answers KCSE Electricity 2022 Leakage KCSE Electricity 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Electricity 2021 Leakage KCSE Electricity 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Electricity Leakage KCSE Electricity Leakage and Answers KCSE English 2022 Leakage KCSE English 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE English 2021 Leakage KCSE English 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE English Leakage KCSE English Leakage and Answers KCSE English Paper 1 2022 Leakage KCSE English Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE English Paper 1 2021 Leakage KCSE English Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE English Paper 1 Leakage KCSE English Paper 1 Leakage and Answers KCSE English Paper 2 2022 Leakage KCSE English Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE English Paper 2 2021 Leakage KCSE English Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE English Paper 2 Leakage KCSE English Paper 2 Leakage and Answers KCSE English Paper 3 2022 Leakage KCSE English Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE English Paper 3 2021 Leakage KCSE English Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE English Paper 3 Leakage KCSE English Paper 3 Leakage and Answers KCSE French 2022 Leakage KCSE French 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE French 2021 Leakage KCSE French 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE French Leakage KCSE French Leakage and Answers KCSE French Paper 1 2022 Leakage KCSE French Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE French Paper 1 2021 Leakage KCSE French Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE French Paper 1 Leakage KCSE French Paper 1 Leakage and Answers KCSE French Paper 2 2022 Leakage KCSE French Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE French Paper 2 2021 Leakage KCSE French Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE French Paper 2 Leakage KCSE French Paper 2 Leakage and Answers KCSE French Paper 3 2022 Leakage KCSE French Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE French Paper 3 2021 Leakage KCSE French Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE French Paper 3 Leakage KCSE French Paper 3 Leakage and Answers KCSE General Science 2022 Leakage KCSE General Science 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE General Science 2021 Leakage KCSE General Science 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE General Science Leakage KCSE General Science Leakage and Answers KCSE Geography 2022 Leakage KCSE Geography 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Geography 2021 Leakage KCSE Geography 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Geography Leakage KCSE Geography Leakage and Answers KCSE Geography Paper 1 2022 Leakage KCSE Geography Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Geography Paper 1 2021 Leakage KCSE Geography Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Geography Paper 1 Leakage KCSE Geography Paper 1 Leakage and Answers KCSE Geography Paper 2 2022 Leakage KCSE Geography Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Geography Paper 2 2021 Leakage KCSE Geography Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Geography Paper 2 Leakage KCSE Geography Paper 2 Leakage and Answers KCSE Geography Paper 3 2022 Leakage KCSE Geography Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Geography Paper 3 2021 Leakage KCSE Geography Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Geography Paper 3 Leakage KCSE Geography Paper 3 Leakage and Answers KCSE German 2022 Leakage KCSE German 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE German 2021 Leakage KCSE German 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE German Leakage KCSE German Leakage and Answers KCSE German Paper 1 2022 Leakage KCSE German Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE German Paper 1 2021 Leakage KCSE German Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE German Paper 1 Leakage KCSE German Paper 1 Leakage and Answers KCSE German Paper 2 2022 Leakage KCSE German Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE German Paper 2 2021 Leakage KCSE German Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE German Paper 2 Leakage KCSE German Paper 2 Leakage and Answers KCSE German Paper 3 2022 Leakage KCSE German Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE German Paper 3 2021 Leakage KCSE German Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE German Paper 3 Leakage KCSE German Paper 3 Leakage and Answers KCSE Hindu Religious Education 2022 Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Hindu Religious Education 2021 Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Hindu Religious Education Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education Leakage and Answers KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 1 2022 Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 1 2021 Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 1 Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 1 Leakage and Answers KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 2 2022 Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 2 2021 Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 2 Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 2 Leakage and Answers KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 3 2022 Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 3 2021 Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 3 Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 3 Leakage and Answers KCSE History and Government 2022 Leakage KCSE History and Government 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE History and Government 2021 Leakage KCSE History and Government 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE History and Government Leakage KCSE History and Government Leakage and Answers KCSE History and Government Paper 1 2022 Leakage KCSE History and Government Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE History and Government Paper 1 2021 Leakage KCSE History and Government Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE History and Government Paper 1 Leakage KCSE History and Government Paper 1 Leakage and Answers KCSE History and Government Paper 2 2022 Leakage KCSE History and Government Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE History and Government Paper 2 2021 Leakage KCSE History and Government Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE History and Government Paper 2 Leakage KCSE History and Government Paper 2 Leakage and Answers KCSE History and Government Paper 3 2022 Leakage KCSE History and Government Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE History and Government Paper 3 2021 Leakage KCSE History and Government Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE History and Government Paper 3 Leakage KCSE History and Government Paper 3 Leakage and Answers KCSE Home Science 2022 Leakage KCSE Home Science 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Home Science 2021 Leakage KCSE Home Science 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Home Science Leakage KCSE Home Science Leakage and Answers KCSE Home Science Paper 1 2022 Leakage KCSE Home Science Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Home Science Paper 1 2021 Leakage KCSE Home Science Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Home Science Paper 1 Leakage KCSE Home Science Paper 1 Leakage and Answers KCSE Home Science Paper 2 2022 Leakage KCSE Home Science Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Home Science Paper 2 2021 Leakage KCSE Home Science Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Home Science Paper 2 Leakage KCSE Home Science Paper 2 Leakage and Answers KCSE Home Science Paper 3 2022 Leakage KCSE Home Science Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Home Science Paper 3 2021 Leakage KCSE Home Science Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Home Science Paper 3 Leakage KCSE Home Science Paper 3 Leakage and Answers KCSE HRE 2022 Leakage KCSE HRE 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE HRE 2021 Leakage KCSE HRE 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE HRE Leakage KCSE HRE Leakage and Answers KCSE IRE 2022 Leakage KCSE IRE 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE IRE 2021 Leakage KCSE IRE 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE IRE Leakage KCSE IRE Leakage and Answers KCSE Islamic Religious Education 2022 Leakage KCSE Islamic Religious Education 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Islamic Religious Education 2021 Leakage KCSE Islamic Religious Education 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Islamic Religious Education Leakage KCSE Islamic Religious Education Leakage and Answers KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 1 2022 Leakage KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 1 2021 Leakage KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 1 Leakage KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 1 Leakage and Answers KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 2 2022 Leakage KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 2 2021 Leakage KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 2 Leakage KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 2 Leakage and Answers KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 3 2022 Leakage KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 3 2021 Leakage KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 3 Leakage KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 3 Leakage and Answers KCSE Kiswahili 2022 Leakage KCSE Kiswahili 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Kiswahili 2021 Leakage KCSE Kiswahili 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Kiswahili Leakage KCSE Kiswahili Leakage and Answers KCSE Kiswahili Paper 1 2022 Leakage KCSE Kiswahili Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Kiswahili Paper 1 2021 Leakage KCSE Kiswahili Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Kiswahili Paper 1 Leakage KCSE Kiswahili Paper 1 Leakage and Answers KCSE Kiswahili Paper 2 2022 Leakage KCSE Kiswahili Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Kiswahili Paper 2 2021 Leakage KCSE Kiswahili Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Kiswahili Paper 2 Leakage KCSE Kiswahili Paper 2 Leakage and Answers KCSE Kiswahili Paper 3 2022 Leakage KCSE Kiswahili Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Kiswahili Paper 3 2021 Leakage KCSE Kiswahili Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Kiswahili Paper 3 Leakage KCSE Kiswahili Paper 3 Leakage and Answers KCSE Mathematics 2022 Leakage KCSE Mathematics 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Mathematics 2021 Leakage KCSE Mathematics 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Mathematics Leakage KCSE Mathematics Leakage and Answers KCSE Mathematics Paper 1 2022 Leakage KCSE Mathematics Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Mathematics Paper 1 2021 Leakage KCSE Mathematics Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Mathematics Paper 1 Leakage KCSE Mathematics Paper 1 Leakage and Answers KCSE Mathematics Paper 2 2022 Leakage KCSE Mathematics Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Mathematics Paper 2 2021 Leakage KCSE Mathematics Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Mathematics Paper 2 Leakage KCSE Mathematics Paper 2 Leakage and Answers KCSE Mathematics Paper 3 2022 Leakage KCSE Mathematics Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Mathematics Paper 3 2021 Leakage KCSE Mathematics Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Mathematics Paper 3 Leakage KCSE Mathematics Paper 3 Leakage and Answers KCSE Maths A 2022 Leakage KCSE Maths A 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Maths A 2021 Leakage KCSE Maths A 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Maths A Leakage KCSE Maths A Leakage and Answers KCSE Maths B 2022 Leakage KCSE Maths B 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Maths B 2021 Leakage KCSE Maths B 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Maths B Leakage KCSE Maths B Leakage and Answers KCSE Metalwork 2022 Leakage KCSE Metalwork 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Metalwork 2021 Leakage KCSE Metalwork 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Metalwork Leakage KCSE Metalwork Leakage and Answers KCSE Music 2022 Leakage KCSE Music 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Music 2021 Leakage KCSE Music 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Music Leakage KCSE Music Leakage and Answers KCSE Music Paper 1 2022 Leakage KCSE Music Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Music Paper 1 2021 Leakage KCSE Music Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Music Paper 1 Leakage KCSE Music Paper 1 Leakage and Answers KCSE Music Paper 2 2022 Leakage KCSE Music Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Music Paper 2 2021 Leakage KCSE Music Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Music Paper 2 Leakage KCSE Music Paper 2 Leakage and Answers KCSE Music Paper 3 2022 Leakage KCSE Music Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Music Paper 3 2021 Leakage KCSE Music Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Music Paper 3 Leakage KCSE Music Paper 3 Leakage and Answers KCSE Physical Education Leakage KCSE Physical Education Leakage and Answers KCSE Physical Education Paper 1 Leakage KCSE Physical Education Paper 1 Leakage and Answers KCSE Physical Education Paper 2 Leakage KCSE Physical Education Paper 2 Leakage and Answers KCSE Physical Education Paper 3 Leakage KCSE Physical Education Paper 3 Leakage and Answers KCSE Physics 2022 Leakage KCSE Physics 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Physics 2021 Leakage KCSE Physics 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Physics Leakage KCSE Physics Leakage and Answers KCSE Physics Paper 1 2022 Leakage KCSE Physics Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Physics Paper 1 2021 Leakage KCSE Physics Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Physics Paper 1 Leakage KCSE Physics Paper 1 Leakage and Answers KCSE Physics Paper 2 2022 Leakage KCSE Physics Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Physics Paper 2 2021 Leakage KCSE Physics Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Physics Paper 2 Leakage KCSE Physics Paper 2 Leakage and Answers KCSE Physics Paper 3 2022 Leakage KCSE Physics Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Physics Paper 3 2021 Leakage KCSE Physics Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Physics Paper 3 Leakage KCSE Physics Paper 3 Leakage and Answers KCSE Power Mechanics 2022 Leakage KCSE Power Mechanics 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Power Mechanics 2021 Leakage KCSE Power Mechanics 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Power Mechanics Leakage KCSE Power Mechanics Leakage and Answers KCSE Woodwork 2022 Leakage KCSE Woodwork 2022 Leakage and Answers KCSE Woodwork 2021 Leakage KCSE Woodwork 2021 Leakage and Answers KCSE Woodwork Leakage KCSE Woodwork Leakage and Answers Leakage Leakage

KCSE Agriculture Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Agriculture Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Agriculture Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Agriculture Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Agriculture Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Agriculture Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Agriculture Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Arabic Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Arabic Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Arabic Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Arabic Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Arabic Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Arabic Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Arabic Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Arabic Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Art and Design Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Art and Design Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Art and Design Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Art and Design Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Art and Design Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Art and Design Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Art and Design Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Art and Design Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Aviation Technology Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Aviation Technology Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Biology Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Biology Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Biology Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Biology Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Biology Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Biology Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Biology Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Biology Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Building and Construction Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Building and Construction Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Business Studies Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Business Studies Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Business Studies Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Business Studies Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Business Studies Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Business Studies Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Business Studies Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Business Studies Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Chemistry Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Chemistry Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Chemistry Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Chemistry Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Chemistry Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Chemistry Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Chemistry Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Chemistry Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Christian Religious Education Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Christian Religious Education Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Computer Studies Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Computer Studies Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE CRE Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE CRE Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Drawing and Design Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Drawing and Design Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Electricity Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Electricity Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE English Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE English Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE English Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE English Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE English Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE English Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE English Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE English Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE French Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE French Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE French Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE French Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE French Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE French Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE French Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE French Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE General Science Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE General Science Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Geography Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Geography Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Geography Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Geography Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Geography Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Geography Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Geography Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Geography Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE German Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE German Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE German Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE German Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE German Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE German Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE German Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE German Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE History and Government Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE History and Government Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE History and Government Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE History and Government Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE History and Government Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE History and Government Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE History and Government Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE History and Government Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Home Science Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Home Science Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Home Science Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Home Science Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Home Science Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Home Science Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Home Science Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Home Science Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE HRE Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE HRE Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE IRE Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE IRE Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Kiswahili Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Kiswahili Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Mathematics Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Mathematics Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Mathematics Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Mathematics Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Mathematics Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Mathematics Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Mathematics Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Mathematics Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Maths A Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Maths A Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Maths B Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Maths B Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Metalwork Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Metalwork Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Music Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Music Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Music Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Music Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Music Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Music Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Music Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Music Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Physics Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Physics Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Physics Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Physics Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Physics Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Physics Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Physics Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Physics Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Power Mechanics Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Power Mechanics Leakage and Answers Leakage 2022 KCSE Woodwork Leakage Leakage 2022 KCSE Woodwork Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Agriculture Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Agriculture Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Agriculture Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Agriculture Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Agriculture Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Agriculture Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Arabic Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Arabic Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Arabic Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Arabic Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Arabic Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Arabic Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Arabic Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Arabic Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Art and Design Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Art and Design Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Art and Design Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Art and Design Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Art and Design Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Art and Design Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Art and Design Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Art and Design Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Aviation Technology Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Aviation Technology Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Biology Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Biology Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Biology Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Biology Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Biology Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Biology Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Biology Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Biology Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Building and Construction Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Building and Construction Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Business Studies Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Business Studies Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Business Studies Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Business Studies Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Business Studies Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Business Studies Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Business Studies Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Business Studies Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Chemistry Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Chemistry Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Chemistry Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Chemistry Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Chemistry Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Chemistry Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Chemistry Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Chemistry Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Christian Religious Education Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Christian Religious Education Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Computer Studies Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Computer Studies Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE CRE Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE CRE Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Drawing and Design Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Drawing and Design Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Electricity Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Electricity Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE English Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE English Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE English Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE English Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE English Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE English Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE English Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE English Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE French Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE French Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE French Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE French Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE French Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE French Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE French Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE French Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE General Science Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE General Science Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Geography Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Geography Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Geography Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Geography Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Geography Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Geography Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Geography Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Geography Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE German Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE German Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE German Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE German Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE German Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE German Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE German Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE German Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE History and Government Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE History and Government Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE History and Government Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE History and Government Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE History and Government Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE History and Government Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE History and Government Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE History and Government Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Home Science Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Home Science Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Home Science Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Home Science Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Home Science Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Home Science Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Home Science Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Home Science Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE HRE Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE HRE Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE IRE Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE IRE Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Kiswahili Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Kiswahili Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Mathematics Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Mathematics Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Mathematics Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Mathematics Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Mathematics Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Mathematics Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Mathematics Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Mathematics Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Maths A Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Maths A Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Maths B Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Maths B Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Metalwork Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Metalwork Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Music Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Music Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Music Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Music Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Music Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Music Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Music Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Music Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Physics Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Physics Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Physics Paper 1 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Physics Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Physics Paper 2 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Physics Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Physics Paper 3 Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Physics Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Power Mechanics Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Power Mechanics Leakage and Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Woodwork Leakage Leakage 2021 KCSE Woodwork Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Agriculture 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Agriculture 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Agriculture 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Agriculture 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Agriculture Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Agriculture Paper 1 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Agriculture Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Agriculture Paper 1 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Agriculture Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Agriculture Paper 1 Leakage Leakage KCSE Agriculture Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 Leakage Leakage KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Agriculture Paper 3 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Agriculture Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Agriculture Paper 3 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Agriculture Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Agriculture Paper 3 Leakage Leakage KCSE Agriculture Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Arabic 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Arabic 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Arabic 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Arabic 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Arabic Leakage Leakage KCSE Arabic Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Arabic Paper 1 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Arabic Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Arabic Paper 1 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Arabic Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Arabic Paper 1 Leakage Leakage KCSE Arabic Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Arabic Paper 2 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Arabic Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Arabic Paper 2 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Arabic Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Arabic Paper 2 Leakage Leakage KCSE Arabic Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Arabic Paper 3 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Arabic Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Arabic Paper 3 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Arabic Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Arabic Paper 3 Leakage Leakage KCSE Arabic Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Art and Design 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Art and Design 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Art and Design 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Art and Design 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Art and Design Leakage Leakage KCSE Art and Design Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Art and Design Paper 1 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Art and Design Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Art and Design Paper 1 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Art and Design Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Art and Design Paper 1 Leakage Leakage KCSE Art and Design Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Art and Design Paper 2 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Art and Design Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Art and Design Paper 2 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Art and Design Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Art and Design Paper 2 Leakage Leakage KCSE Art and Design Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Art and Design Paper 3 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Art and Design Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Art and Design Paper 3 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Art and Design Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Art and Design Paper 3 Leakage Leakage KCSE Art and Design Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Aviation Technology 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Aviation Technology 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Aviation Technology 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Aviation Technology 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Aviation Technology Leakage Leakage KCSE Aviation Technology Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Biology 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Biology 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Biology 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Biology 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Biology Leakage Leakage KCSE Biology Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Biology Paper 1 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Biology Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Biology Paper 1 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Biology Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Biology Paper 1 Leakage Leakage KCSE Biology Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Biology Paper 2 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Biology Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Biology Paper 2 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Biology Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Biology Paper 2 Leakage Leakage KCSE Biology Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Biology Paper 3 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Biology Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Biology Paper 3 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Biology Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Biology Paper 3 Leakage Leakage KCSE Biology Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Building and Construction 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Building and Construction 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Building and Construction 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Building and Construction 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Building and Construction Leakage Leakage KCSE Building and Construction Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Business Studies 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Business Studies 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Business Studies 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Business Studies 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Business Studies Leakage Leakage KCSE Business Studies Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Business Studies Paper 1 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Business Studies Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Business Studies Paper 1 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Business Studies Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Business Studies Paper 1 Leakage Leakage KCSE Business Studies Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Business Studies Paper 2 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Business Studies Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Business Studies Paper 2 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Business Studies Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Business Studies Paper 2 Leakage Leakage KCSE Business Studies Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Business Studies Paper 3 2022 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Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Chemistry Paper 2 Leakage Leakage KCSE Chemistry Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Chemistry Paper 3 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Chemistry Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Chemistry Paper 3 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Chemistry Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Chemistry Paper 3 Leakage Leakage KCSE Chemistry Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education Leakage Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 1 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 1 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 1 Leakage Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 2 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 2 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 2 Leakage Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 3 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 3 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 3 Leakage Leakage KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Computer Studies 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Computer Studies 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Computer Studies 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Computer Studies 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Computer Studies Leakage Leakage KCSE Computer Studies Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Computer Studies Paper 1 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Computer Studies Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Computer Studies Paper 1 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Computer Studies Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Computer Studies Paper 1 Leakage Leakage KCSE Computer Studies Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Computer Studies Paper 2 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Computer Studies Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Computer Studies Paper 2 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Computer Studies Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Computer Studies Paper 2 Leakage Leakage KCSE Computer Studies Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Computer Studies Paper 3 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Computer Studies Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Computer Studies Paper 3 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Computer Studies Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Computer Studies Paper 3 Leakage Leakage KCSE Computer Studies Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE CRE 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE CRE 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE CRE 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE CRE 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE CRE Leakage Leakage KCSE CRE Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Drawing and Design 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Drawing and Design 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Drawing and Design 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Drawing and Design 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Drawing and Design Leakage Leakage KCSE Drawing and Design Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Electricity 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Electricity 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Electricity 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Electricity 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Electricity Leakage Leakage KCSE Electricity Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE English 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE English 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE English 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE English 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE English Leakage Leakage KCSE English Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE English Paper 1 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE English Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE English Paper 1 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE English Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE English Paper 1 Leakage Leakage KCSE English Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE English Paper 2 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE English Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE English Paper 2 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE English Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE English Paper 2 Leakage Leakage KCSE English Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE English Paper 3 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE English Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE English Paper 3 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE English Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE English Paper 3 Leakage Leakage KCSE English Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE French 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE French 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE French 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE French 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE French Leakage Leakage KCSE French Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE French Paper 1 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE French Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE French Paper 1 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE French Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE French Paper 1 Leakage Leakage KCSE French Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE French Paper 2 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE French Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE French Paper 2 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE French Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE French Paper 2 Leakage Leakage KCSE French Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE French Paper 3 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE French Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE French Paper 3 2021 Leakage 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KCSE Geography Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Geography Paper 2 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Geography Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Geography Paper 2 Leakage Leakage KCSE Geography Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Geography Paper 3 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Geography Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Geography Paper 3 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Geography Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Geography Paper 3 Leakage Leakage KCSE Geography Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE German 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE German 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE German 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE German 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE German Leakage Leakage KCSE German Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE German Paper 1 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE German Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE German Paper 1 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE German Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE German Paper 1 Leakage Leakage KCSE German Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE German Paper 2 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE German Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE German Paper 2 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE German Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE German Paper 2 Leakage Leakage KCSE German Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE German Paper 3 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE German Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE German Paper 3 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE German Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE German Paper 3 Leakage Leakage KCSE German Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education Leakage Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 1 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 1 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 1 Leakage Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 2 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 2 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 2 Leakage Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 3 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 3 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 3 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Science Paper 1 Leakage Leakage KCSE Home Science Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Home Science Paper 2 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Home Science Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Home Science Paper 2 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Home Science Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Home Science Paper 2 Leakage Leakage KCSE Home Science Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Home Science Paper 3 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Home Science Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Home Science Paper 3 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Home Science Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Home Science Paper 3 Leakage Leakage KCSE Home Science Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE HRE 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE HRE 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE HRE 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE HRE 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE HRE Leakage Leakage KCSE HRE Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE IRE 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE IRE 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE IRE 2021 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Paper 3 Leakage Leakage KCSE Physical Education Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Physics 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Physics 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Physics 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Physics 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Physics Leakage Leakage KCSE Physics Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Physics Paper 1 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Physics Paper 1 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Physics Paper 1 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Physics Paper 1 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Physics Paper 1 Leakage Leakage KCSE Physics Paper 1 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Physics Paper 2 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Physics Paper 2 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Physics Paper 2 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Physics Paper 2 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Physics Paper 2 Leakage Leakage KCSE Physics Paper 2 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Physics Paper 3 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Physics Paper 3 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Physics Paper 3 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Physics Paper 3 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Physics Paper 3 Leakage Leakage KCSE Physics Paper 3 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Power Mechanics 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Power Mechanics 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Power Mechanics 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Power Mechanics 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Power Mechanics Leakage Leakage KCSE Power Mechanics Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Woodwork 2022 Leakage Leakage KCSE Woodwork 2022 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Woodwork 2021 Leakage Leakage KCSE Woodwork 2021 Leakage and Answers Leakage KCSE Woodwork Leakage Leakage KCSE Woodwork Leakage and Answers Lickage 2022 Exam Lickage 2022 KCSE Exam Lickage 2021 Exam Lickage 2021 KCSE Exam Achievers Examination 2021 Achievers Exams Achievers Focus 2021 Achievers Focus Examination 2021 Achievers Focus Trial Examinations Papers Atika School Exams 2021 Form 4 – the Achievers Focus Revision Exams Kcse Prediction 2021 The Achievers Focus Revision Exams 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; a a 2021 Agriculture 2021 Changes a a 2022 Agriculture 2022 Changes A A STATIC Prediction Questions KCSE Agriculture Prediction Questions 2021 Agriculture 2021 2021 Agriculture 2021 Changes 2021 Arabic 2021 2021 Art and Design 2021 2021 Biology 2021 2021 Business Studies 2021 2021 Chemistry 2021 2021 Christian Religious Education 2021 2021 Computer Studies 2021 2021 English 2021 2021 French 2021 2021 Geography 2021 2021 German 2021 2021 Hindu Religious Education 2021 2021 History and Goernment 2021 2021 Home Science 2021 2021 Islamic Religious Education 2021 2021 K.C.S.E Exam 2021 K.C.S.E Forth Coming Examinatiom Papers 2021 K.C.S.E Forth Coming Examination Papers 2021 K.c.s.e Prediction Questions and Answers Free 2021 Kcpe Predictions 2021 KCPE Predictions 2021 KCSE Agriculture Paper 1 Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Agriculture Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers 2021 KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers 2021 KCSE Agriculture Paper 3 Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Agriculture Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers 2021 KCSE Agriculture Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Agriculture Prediction Questions and Answers 2021 KCSE Arabic Paper 1 Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Arabic Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers 2021 KCSE Arabic Paper 2 Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Arabic Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers 2021 KCSE Arabic Paper 3 Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Arabic Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers 2021 KCSE Arabic Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Arabic Prediction Questions and Answers 2021 KCSE Art and Design Paper 1 Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Art and Design Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers 2021 KCSE Art and Design Paper 2 Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Art and Design Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers 2021 KCSE Art and Design Paper 3 Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Art and Design Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers 2021 KCSE Art and Design 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Studies KCSE Prediction Questions and Answers Chemistry KCSE Prediction Questions and Answers Christian Religious Education KCSE Prediction Questions and Answers Computer Studies KCSE Prediction Questions and Answers English KCSE Prediction Questions and Answers French KCSE Prediction Questions and Answers Geography KCSE Prediction Questions and Answers German KCSE Prediction Questions and Answers Hindu Religious Education KCSE Prediction Questions and Answers History and Goernment KCSE Prediction Questions and Answers Home Science KCSE Prediction Questions and Answers Islamic Religious Education KCSE Prediction Questions and Answers Kiswahili KCSE Prediction Questions and Answers Mathematics KCSE Prediction Questions and Answers Music KCSE Prediction Questions and Answers Physical Education KCSE Prediction Questions and Answers Physics KCSE Prediction Questions Arabic KCSE Prediction Questions Art and Design KCSE Prediction Questions Biology KCSE Prediction Questions Business Studies KCSE Prediction Questions Chemistry KCSE Prediction Questions Christian Religious Education KCSE Prediction Questions Computer Studies KCSE Prediction Questions English KCSE Prediction Questions French KCSE Prediction Questions Geography KCSE Prediction Questions German KCSE Prediction Questions Hindu Religious Education KCSE Prediction Questions History and Goernment KCSE Prediction Questions Home Science KCSE Prediction Questions Islamic Religious Education KCSE Prediction Questions Kiswahili KCSE Prediction Questions Mathematics KCSE Prediction Questions Music KCSE Prediction Questions Physical Education KCSE Prediction Questions Physics KCSE Predictions 2021 KCSE Predictions 2021 Papers KCSE Predictions 2021 Papers » KCSE Revision KCSE Predictions 2022 KCSE Predictions 2022 Papers KCSE Predictions 2022 Papers » KCSE Revision KCSE Questions and Answers KCSE Questions and Answers. KCSE Revealed 2021 KCSE Revealed 2022 KCSE Revision Kcse Revision 2021 Kcse Revision 2022 Kcse Revision 2023 KCSE Revision Notes Pdf KCSE Revision Papers 2018 KCSE Revision Papers 2019 Pdf KCSE Revision Papers 2021 Pdf Kcse Revision Papers 2021 Pdf KCSE Revision Papers 2022 Pdf Kcse Revision Papers 2022 Pdf Kcse Revision Papers 2023 Pdf KCSE Test Papers 2021 KCSE Test Papers 2022 KCSE Time Table 2021 KCSE Time Table 2022 KCSE Timetable 2021 KCSE Timetable 2022 KCSE Woodwork 2021 Prediction Questions KCSE Woodwork 2021 Prediction Questions and Answers KCSE Woodwork 2022 Prediction Questions KCSE Woodwork 2022 Prediction Questions and Answers KCSE Woodwork Prediction Questions KCSE Woodwork Prediction Questions and Answers Kenya National Prediction Tests 2021 KCSE Kenya National Prediction Tests 2022 KCSE Kiswahili KCSE 2021 Kiswahili KCSE 2022 Kiswahili KCSE Prediction Questions 2021 Kiswahili KCSE Prediction Questions 2022 Kiswahili KCSE Prediction Questions and Answers Knec KCSE Past Papers Question and Answers 2021 Knec KCSE Past Papers Question and Answers 2022 Kusoma Co Ke KCSE 2021 Prediction Questions Answers Kusoma Co Ke KCSE 2022 Prediction Questions Answers Leakage 2021 KCSE Leakage 2022 KCSE Marking Schemes - Free KCSE Past Papers Mathematics KCSE Prediction Questions 2021 Mathematics KCSE Prediction Questions 2022 Mathematics KCSE Prediction Questions and Answers Maths KCSE 2021 Maths KCSE 2022 Music KCSE Prediction Questions 2021 Music KCSE Prediction Questions 2022 Music KCSE Prediction Questions and Answers Pavement Exams 2021 Pavement Exams 2022 Physical Education KCSE Prediction Questions 2021 Physical Education KCSE Prediction Questions 2022 Physical Education KCSE Prediction Questions and Answers Physics KCSE Prediction Questions 2021 Physics KCSE Prediction Questions 2022 Physics KCSE Prediction Questions and Answers Physics Leakage 2021 Physics Leakage 2022 Prediction KCSE Based on Setbooks 2021 Prediction KCSE Based on Setbooks 2022 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions <p>KCSE Agriculture Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Agriculture Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Agriculture Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Agriculture Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Agriculture Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Agriculture Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Agriculture Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Arabic Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Arabic Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Arabic Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Arabic Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Arabic Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Arabic Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Arabic Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Arabic Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Art and Design Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Art and Design Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Art and Design Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Art and Design Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Art and Design Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Art and Design Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Art and Design Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Art and Design Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Aviation Technology Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Aviation Technology Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Biology Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Biology Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Biology Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Biology Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Biology Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Biology Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Biology Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Biology Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Building and Construction Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Building and Construction Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Business Studies Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Business Studies Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Business Studies Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Business Studies Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Business Studies Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Business Studies Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Business Studies Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Business Studies Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Chemistry Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Chemistry Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Chemistry Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Chemistry Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Chemistry Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Chemistry Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Chemistry Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Chemistry Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Christian Religious Education Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Christian Religious Education Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Computer Studies Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Computer Studies Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE CRE Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE CRE Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Drawing and Design Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Drawing and Design Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Electricity Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Electricity Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE English Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE English Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE English Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE English Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE English Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE English Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE English Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE English Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE French Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE French Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE French Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE French Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE French Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE French Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE French Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE French Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE General Science Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE General Science Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Geography Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Geography Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Geography Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Geography Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Geography Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Geography Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Geography Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Geography Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE German Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE German Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE German Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE German Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE German Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE German Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE German Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE German Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE History and Government Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE History and Government Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE History and Government Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE History and Government Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE History and Government Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE History and Government Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE History and Government Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE History and Government Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Home Science Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Home Science Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Home Science Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Home Science Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Home Science Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Home Science Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Home Science Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Home Science Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE HRE Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE HRE Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE IRE Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE IRE Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Kiswahili Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Kiswahili Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Mathematics Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Mathematics Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Mathematics Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Mathematics Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Mathematics Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Mathematics Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Mathematics Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Mathematics Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Maths A Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Maths A Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Maths B Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Maths B Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Metalwork Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Metalwork Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Music Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Music Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Music Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Music Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Music Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Music Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Music Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Music Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Physics Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Physics Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Physics Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Physics Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Physics Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Physics Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Physics Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Physics Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Power Mechanics Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Power Mechanics Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Woodwork Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2021 KCSE Woodwork Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Agriculture Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Agriculture Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Agriculture Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Agriculture Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Agriculture Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Agriculture Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Arabic Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Arabic Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Arabic Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Arabic Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Arabic Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Arabic Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Arabic Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Arabic Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Art and Design Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Art and Design Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Art and Design Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Art and Design Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Art and Design Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Art and Design Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Art and Design Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Art and Design Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Aviation Technology Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Aviation Technology Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Biology Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Biology Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Biology Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Biology Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Biology Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Biology Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Biology Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Biology Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Building and Construction Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Building and Construction Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Business Studies Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Business Studies Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Business Studies Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Business Studies Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Business Studies Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Business Studies Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Business Studies Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Business Studies Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Chemistry Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Chemistry Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Chemistry Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Chemistry Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Chemistry Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Chemistry Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Chemistry Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Chemistry Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Christian Religious Education Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Christian Religious Education Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Computer Studies Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Computer Studies Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE CRE Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE CRE Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Drawing and Design Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Drawing and Design Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Electricity Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Electricity Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE English Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE English Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE English Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE English Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE English Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE English Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE English Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE English Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE French Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE French Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE French Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE French Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE French Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE French Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE French Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE French Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE General Science Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE General Science Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Geography Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Geography Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Geography Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Geography Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Geography Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Geography Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Geography Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Geography Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE German Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE German Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE German Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE German Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE German Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE German Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE German Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE German Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Hindu Religious Education Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE History and Government Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE History and Government Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE History and Government Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE History and Government Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE History and Government Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE History and Government Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE History and Government Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE History and Government Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Home Science Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Home Science Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Home Science Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Home Science Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Home Science Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Home Science Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Home Science Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Home Science Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE HRE Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE HRE Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE IRE Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE IRE Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Islamic Religious Education Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Kiswahili Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Kiswahili Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Kiswahili Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Mathematics Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Mathematics Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Mathematics Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Mathematics Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Mathematics Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Mathematics Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Mathematics Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Mathematics Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Maths A Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Maths A Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Maths B Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Maths B Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Metalwork Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Metalwork Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Music Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Music Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Music Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Music Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Music Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Music Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Music Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Music Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Physics Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Physics Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Physics Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Physics Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Physics Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Physics Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Physics Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Physics Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Power Mechanics Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Power Mechanics Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Woodwork Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 2022 KCSE Woodwork Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Agriculture 2021 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Agriculture 2021 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Agriculture 2022 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Agriculture 2022 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Agriculture Paper 1 2021 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Agriculture Paper 1 2021 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Agriculture Paper 1 2022 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Agriculture Paper 1 2022 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Agriculture Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Agriculture Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 2021 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 2021 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 2022 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 2022 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Agriculture Paper 3 2021 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Agriculture Paper 3 2021 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Agriculture Paper 3 2022 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Agriculture Paper 3 2022 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Agriculture Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Agriculture Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Agriculture Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Arabic 2021 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Arabic 2021 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Arabic 2022 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Arabic 2022 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Arabic Paper 1 2021 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Arabic Paper 1 2021 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Arabic Paper 1 2022 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Arabic Paper 1 2022 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Arabic Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Arabic Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Arabic Paper 2 2021 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Arabic Paper 2 2021 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Arabic Paper 2 2022 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Arabic Paper 2 2022 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Arabic Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Arabic Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Arabic Paper 3 2021 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Arabic Paper 3 2021 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Arabic Paper 3 2022 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Arabic Paper 3 2022 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Arabic Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Arabic Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Arabic Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Arabic Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Art and Design 2021 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Art and Design 2021 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Art and Design 2022 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Art and Design 2022 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Art and Design Paper 1 2021 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Art and Design Paper 1 2021 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Art and Design Paper 1 2022 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Art and Design Paper 1 2022 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Art and Design Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Art and Design Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Art and Design Paper 2 2021 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Art and Design Paper 2 2021 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Art and Design Paper 2 2022 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Art and Design Paper 2 2022 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Art and Design Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Art and Design Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Art and Design Paper 3 2021 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Art and Design Paper 3 2021 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Art and Design Paper 3 2022 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Art and Design Paper 3 2022 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Art and Design Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Art and Design Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Art and Design Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Art and Design Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Aviation Technology 2021 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Aviation Technology 2021 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Aviation Technology 2022 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Aviation Technology 2022 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Aviation Technology Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Aviation Technology Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Biology 2021 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Biology 2021 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Biology 2022 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Biology 2022 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Biology Paper 1 2021 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Biology Paper 1 2021 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Biology Paper 1 2022 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Biology Paper 1 2022 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Biology Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Biology Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Biology Paper 2 2021 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Biology Paper 2 2021 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Biology Paper 2 2022 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Biology Paper 2 2022 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Biology Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Biology Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Biology Paper 3 2021 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Biology Paper 3 2021 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Biology Paper 3 2022 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Biology Paper 3 2022 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Biology Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Biology Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Biology Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Biology Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Building and Construction 2021 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Building and Construction 2021 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Building and Construction 2022 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Building and Construction 2022 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Building and Construction Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Building and Construction Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Business Studies 2021 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Business Studies 2021 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Business Studies 2022 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Business Studies 2022 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Business Studies Paper 1 2021 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Business Studies Paper 1 2021 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Business Studies Paper 1 2022 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Business Studies Paper 1 2022 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Business Studies Paper 1 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Business Studies Paper 1 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Business Studies Paper 2 2021 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Business Studies Paper 2 2021 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Business Studies Paper 2 2022 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Business Studies Paper 2 2022 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Business Studies Paper 2 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Business Studies Paper 2 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Business Studies Paper 3 2021 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Business Studies Paper 3 2021 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Business Studies Paper 3 2022 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Business Studies Paper 3 2022 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Business Studies Paper 3 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Business Studies Paper 3 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Business Studies Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Business Studies Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Chemistry 2021 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Chemistry 2021 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Chemistry 2022 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Chemistry 2022 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Chemistry Paper 1 2021 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions KCSE Chemistry Paper 1 2021 Prediction Questions and Answers Prediction Questions KCSE Chemistry Paper 1 2022 Prediction Questions Prediction Questions 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Questions and Answers Form Three History and Government Notes Revision Questions and Answers Form Two History and Government Notes Revision Questions Form 1 History and Government Notes Revision Questions Form 2 History and Government Notes Revision Questions Form 3 History and Government Notes Revision Questions Form 4 History and Government Notes Revision Questions Form Four History and Government Notes Revision Questions Form One History and Government Notes Revision Questions Form Three History and Government Notes Revision Questions Form Two History and Government Notes Revision Quiz History and Government Notes Revision Test History and Government Notes Secondary School Revision History and Government Notes Short Note for Revising Form 1 History and Government Notes Short Note for Revising Form 2 History and Government Notes Short Note for Revising Form 3 History and Government Notes Short Note for Revising Form 4 History and Government Notes Short Note for Revising Form Four 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Floral Design Tools Water Tube Quizlet


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